Discounted NRA memberships available


New member
I have been getting a few emails this week, asking if these discounts are still available (They are.) I figured that I'd start a new post about them.

As an NRA recruiter, I can offer special discounted memberships for a limited time that are not available online (aside from the 1 yr.). They can only be offered through a recruiter via the NRA membership applications that I have. Its a bit of work, but I'd like to offer them here. If anyone is interested in these discounts, send me a pm with your address. I'll mail you the application form and then you can mail it back to me.

The discounts are:

One year - $25 instead of $35
Three years - $70 instead of $85
Five years - $100 instead of $125
Life - $750 instead of $1000

You can also do the easy pay life membership which is $25 per quarter until $750 is paid off.

If you are interested, shoot me a pm here or an email to and I'll drop the app in the mail to you.