Discounted NRA memberships available


New member
With the political future what it is (again), I think its time for everyone to help to ensure our gun rights. Whether you like them or not, the NRA is the 800 pound gorilla in DC.

As a recruiter, I can offer special discounted memberships for a limited time that are not available online (aside from the 1 yr.). They can only be offered through a recruiter via the NRA membership applications that I have. Its a bit of work, but I'd like to offer them here. If anyone is interested in these discounts, send me a pm with your address. I'll mail you the application form and then you can mail it back to me.

The discounts are:

One year - $25 instead of $35
Three years - $70 instead of $85
Five years - $100 instead of $125
Life - $750 instead of $1000

You can also do the easy pay life membership which is $25 per quarter until $750 is paid off.

If you are interested, shoot me a pm here or an email to and I'll drop the app in the mail to you.
Tim, I think there was a $400 life membership a short time ago. It has since expired. Last time I saw it that low was in the late '90's. Based on pure speculation, $750 is probably going to be on of the better discounts for some time to come...


New member
My NRA membership hasn't been renewed in probably 10 years, but my Texas State Rifle Association membership is in good standing. While the lifetime discount offer would have been worth it to me 20 or so years ago, at this point in my life I'm not sure it's for me.

I would certainly encourage anybody remotely considering being a member for years to come to join the organization if they like what the NRA stands for.


New member
for the life membership that you can make $25 payments on, do they just bill you for the $25 4 times a year? Is that how it works?


New member
for the life membership that you can make $25 payments on, do they just bill you for the $25 4 times a year? Is that how it works?

Yes, they bill you $25, quarterly ...until the $750 is paid off.
I signed up for a "free" membership two years ago. They sent me a letter two weeks ago asking me to renew(among with about one a month preceding that). I threw it in the trash. I received a renewal package today with all the cards and stickers(it also went in the trash).
Of course, SAF is now sending me piles of junk mail and "exclusive" offers also, so they have lost that advantage over the NRA. Sure was nice when they were happy getting a no strings attached check in the mail.


Active member
I don't mind junk mail - I collect it and use it in my fire pit.

Boy, I sure would be interested in a life membership at $300! What's that all about? My 5 year membership expired and I've been wanting to renew it, but would like to be a life member.

To the OP - those are good rates, thinks for posting, I may consider and if I do, I'll send you a PM.


New member
Boy, I sure would be interested in a life membership at $300! What's that all about? My 5 year membership expired and I've been wanting to renew it, but would like to be a life member.

NRA seems to run the $300 special for a few months every year. Typically, you need to be sponsored by a current Life Member, but I've heard that you can just call the Life Member office down there and tell them you want the $300 Life Member deal and they won't worry about a sponsor. As an earlier poster mentioned, I believe the $300 deal is currently open.

I've sponsored about 50 new Life Members on the $300 deal at various times, and if you find that you actually need a sponsor I'll be happy to sponsor you as well - just send me a PM and we can work out the details. (That said, it does involve some time on my part, so please try doing it without a sponsor first.)
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New member
First round of applications have been received from everyone and processed to the NRA. Membership materials should be arriving in a few weeks for everyone.


New member
I am not an NRA member but I do have a question about it. How does a one time fee for a life membership actually benefit the member or NRA? To be honest, the fee seems kind of small when one could easily spend that much on one firearm, or when compared to the dues of a shooting club. But at the same rate, that's a large chunk of change to put down if it doesn't really go that far.

I suppose my question is where and how far does that money go? l've completed an NRA instructor course but even if I was a member I'd still have to pay for it, both for the instructor and NRA. By no means am I speaking against the NRA, as I realize its the prominent "voice" for the shooting community. I am just a bit curious before I spend money on it.


New member
I converted my EP Life to the $300 life, earlier in the week.

The NRA got an extra $250 out of the deal (I had paid $550 on it), but I also saved $450. I think we both made out alright.

And... my EPL membership didn't include any of the free "goodies" (trash, half the time). But, the $300 membership got me a a whole bag of 'goodies'. ;)