

Staff Alumnus
OK, I'm sitting here at work, wearing my spiff new Molon Labe golf shirt...

...and not one person has said anything about it! :(


New member
I have also been waiting for either a fellow TFL member or an anti to say something about my new shirt. So if you happen to see a 15 year old kid wearing a molon labe shirt and an NRA hat in the detroit, mi, area give me a hollar.:)

Jim V

New member
Well, in a way it is a fraternity, just not one from a college.

Just look at the size of this fraternity.


Well, when I explained what "Molon Labe" stood for, I got the "man that's really cool" responce.


New member
here's a question for folks (maybe someday to be turned into a poll):
what's the attitude at your workplace towards firearms? mostly antis, or mostly pro?

Where I work it's pretty well known that I'm a shooter (targets up on the wall, etc ;), and no one's given me any grief. Granted, I don't yet have a Molon Labe shirt (sorry! :) )...


New member
I put molon labe as the screen saver at work, if anyone noticed no one said anything yet. Gun friendly workplace? Four out of six on the crew I work with are NRA members. Company l work for let us build a shooting range on their property. GOA alerts posted on the bulletin board. Only one 'anti' employee that I know of out of the more than two hundred that work there, his position is known but he doesn't say much. Must feel outnumbered or something.


New member
Where I work, almost everyone hunts. So, no real problem. But they are not much aware of the RKBA battle, and some would probably look a little askance at Molon Labe.

It did get a little dicey a while back when a contractor was 'laid off'. He was certifiable, and talked much about his 'assault rifle'. He made a few pointed comments about it when he left, too, after a lot of shouting and desk pounding.

A few folks (I won't say who, since it's against company policy) carried at work for about a week after that.

Right while this was going on I took a day off to attend John Farnam's defensive handgunning class. Some looked at me funny.

Don Gwinn

Staff Emeritus
Son, that's no big deal--wasn't DC approached by a woman who swore that her daughter was IN that very fraternity?

:rolleyes: :rolleyes:


New member
<snip> daughter was IN that very fraternity?
Girls in a fraternity? (or is it girls IN a fraternity as in IN the frat house?)
Momma: "What's that mean on your shirt?"
Frat girl "Come and take them".

Headlines in the paper.
"Irate Father Burns Down Frat House"

*blush* Could be an interesting discussion at THAT dinner table.