Disable ejectors--Citori ?


New member
I tend to agree with Bailey Boat.

You could remove the ejector trip rods from the receiver and/or the ejector components from the forearm. But, the easiest way (and avoid the possibility of messing up the ejector hammer and ejector sear cross pins) is probably to remove just the ejector hammer springs and plungers. I've not done a Citori, but it looks like you can remove the ejector hammer spring receiver (one screw) to get access to the springs and plungers. You might want to restrain the ejector hammers to keep them from flopping around. Or, drive out their cross pin and remove them, too.


New member
I haven't done it on a Citori, but I have replaced ejector springs with lighter springs to turn ejectors into extractors. Be careful when disassembling the ejector mechanism; those ejector springs are strong.


New member
Browning's Citori Gand Prix Sporter came with their "Selective Ejective System" which allowed the shooter to switch between the ejection and extraction modes. This model was listed in their 2009 catalog. Pehaps parts can interchange.


New member
Thank ya'll or the responses. I bought my girlfriend a 28 gauge Citori. She is right handed, but left eye dominant, so she is shooting left handed. She has a hard time opening the gun & catching the hulls. She is a new shooter, but doing well. I thought maybe extractors would be easier for her. She is small & not very strong.


Thank ya'll or the responses. I bought my girlfriend a 28 gauge Citori. She is right handed, but left eye dominant, so she is shooting left handed. She has a hard time opening the gun & catching the hulls. She is a new shooter, but doing well. I thought maybe extractors would be easier for her. She is small & not very strong.

Being LH is a bonus......I am LH and shoot Brownings, I find it easier to "push" the lever to the right as opposed to trying to pull it. I open the gun with my LH, hold my hand over the barrels as I open and have NEVER had an issue catching my empties right at the breech.................takes about 3-4 tries to perfect