dirty necks?


New member
I'm beginning to notice the necks on my .30-06 cases getting dirtier the more I reload them. Is this due to resizing and trimming?


New member
Low powder charges will do this. Case is not expanding enough to make a complete seal. Its not an issue though.


New member
Sometimes it's the brand of powder you use. Sometimes it's the pressure you develop in the load. Nothing to do with sizing and trimming and nothing to worry about. I used to fret about it, even going to the trouble of spraying carb cleaner on them before tumbling. Now I just don't worry about it. Most of it comes off during tumblling. If not, I still don't worry about it.

Ideal Tool

Hello, sigshepardo. You mentioned "the more I reload them"..could be the brass is work hardening, and becoming stiffer & not sealing as it once did.
And yes, sizing will contribute to this.
You might want to anneal..but be careful..this has it's own pitfalls.