Dirty linotype - the solution?

Big Bunny

New member
Having problems with flecks of dross/dirt in the projectile surface after lead-casting LEE ingots and some .308 rifle bullets.

Material is bulk linotype bar from an old newspaper source and very hard indeed.

I have fluxed 8 times and still get the dross appearing, leading to a 60% rejection rate from my 10lb Lee Production bottom-pour leadpot.

I am using 'Blue and Grey' flux powder using a "bubbling" deep incertion method used by the old newspaper workers. Allox and paraffin wax also was tried [in desperation.]

Stirring and scraping with a small perforated spoon also was used to raise the dross from the bottom of the pot. Refining is improving the metal clarity - but it is taking ages to get 10lb to work with.

What have I done wrong? Should I refine it comprehensively before (EG in a larger gas pot) before it is used in a smaller furnace ?

Any ideas from other casters welcome.


New member
Try fluxing with Marvelux from Brownells. www.brownells.com I bought a can of it on a whim about 15 years ago and never went back to parrafin & beeswax. No smoke when fluxing or nasty fumes when lead comes from lead from questionable sources. Great stuff

Paul B.

New member
Big Bunny. How clean is your pot? All the fluxing in the world won't give you good clean meatal, if the pot is dirty.
Here's what you do. Fire up the pot and drain all the metal. Using gloves, turn the poy upside down and make sure all remaning metal and loose debris falls out. Let the pot cool down. Now here comes the wierd part. Fill the pot with water, and set the heat on #3. Let the pot come to a rolling boil, and with a good wire brush, (toothbrush size) scrub the pot thoroughly. You will be surprised at how clean the pot will get. I usually do this about every third or fourth filling of the pot. You'd be surprised at how fast that crap can build up in your pot. This should help remove all those inclusions from your bullets.
Paul B.


New member
It's the Bullet Lube

When casting...get the lead HOT. Put a "pea" size ball of BULLET LUBE in the pot. This should cause all the TRASH to come to the top. Then skim the trash off and when it cool down throw it away.

Long Path

New member
I learn the dangest things here. ;)

I don't think I know anyone here who casts more .30 bullets than Paul B., so I'd consider his possible fix, first.



New member
Lots of good ideas, guys! Especially like the idea of cleaning the pot. I've always cleaned my metal in a bigger pot good to begin with as I always used a lot of wheel weights, didn't have lino to work with. Marvelux seemed to work for me. I guess I'm gonna have to get my pot out and see what dirt I can get out after emptying it.
