Dillon Square Deal Question


New member
Greetings all,
I recently picked up a Dillon Square Deal and converted it from 10mm to .38/.327 -- large primer to small. After tinkering all weekend, I still can't get it to pick up a primer at station 2. It has the small primer magazine, primer cup and had no problem with the lager size for the 10mm.

I plan on calling their 'world famous' customer service number this afternoon after work. Any experience with this problem out there from the wise members of TFL before I call?? Thanks in advance.................

When you call, you'll be able to check that you got all the parts needed for the conversion correctly. Mine is and always has been just for .45 ACP, so I can't tell you about the conversion. I do know that it isn't difficult for the plastic lips at the bottom of the primer magazine to get mangled, and I would check that those are intact. It also isn't difficut to get a primer turned in the magazine and have it gum up the works.



New member
Well, for anyone who cares, it looks like the problem is with the primer magazine. It is droping too far and blocking the primer cup. Dillon is going to send replacement magazine caps - if that doesn't fix it, call 'em back.
