Dillon Service


New member
I know I've made similar posts before, but I had a couple minor problems with my 650 when I switched over from 9mm to .38. A 2 minute phone call to Dillon got me a new microswitch and spacer for my casefeeder (I even told them I'm not sure if the spacer was never in the box or lost by me, but they didn't care and said they'd send one free of charge anyway). I also found a problem with my carbide die, and they're sending a new one out right away (I even offered to return the old one to them, but they said not to bother).

Sure, I've had a few problems, but with service like this, I'll never buy another brand. Thanks Dillon.


New member
My experiences with Dillon have been similar.

Stopping at their store is always a financial disaster tho.:D


Johnny Guest

Moderator in Memoriam
Financial disaster?

I'll bet!

Bad enough for me that Cheaper Than Dirt hdq and retail store is within 30 miles of me. They stay open til 8 or 9 p.m. Close enough to "just go browse around in the early evening."

And, you know, there is ALWAYS something that needs buying.

I've had similarly satisfying experiences with Dillon's customer service, BTW.



New member
Never had a problem with R.C.B.S. The two times I called for parts they sent them, along with several extras, at no cost and no questions asked. From the time of the phone call to the arrival of the parts was three days. I would say that they have a no B.S. guarantee also.:)


New member
Ditto on Dillon...

Just had occasion to send brain damaged electronic scale back with a nasty note, yet again.

Replaced it in < a week. Whoopee...:confused:

If only the quality of the scale matched the quality of the service, sigh...:rolleyes:
This is the third POS scale I've sent back...

Must be cheaper to keep replacing them than to jack up the quality, ya think?:D

Every company has to have one POS, I guess this is Dillon's. Everything else has been superlative...
