dillon question...


New member
first my knowledge on reloading is zero...where does the dillon cartridge case vibratory cleaner model cv 500 fall in at...entry level,average?
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New member
IMHO, all of the vibrating cleaners clean brass about the same. The type media you use is most important. I have better results with ground walnut impregnated with jewelers rouge over corncob. The additives are all about the same. Spend whatever your budget allows. The lesser cost models, such as the Frankfort Arsenal models work great.
I also use a Loretone tumbler which predates vibrator models. It is at least 40 years old and still works like new. Hope this helps.


New member
I have one of these.

It is smaller than the Dillon CV 2000, but I believe the quality is the same. It is intended for those with either 1) insufficient space for a larger tumbler, or 2) work with smaller numbers of cases and don't need the larger one.

The newer version of it is the CV 750, which is supposed to have a larger motor.

Entry level vs. average? I suppose it is average.

Occasionally I wonder if I should have bought the larger one, but it really isn't that hard to run multiple batches through the smaller one. The small one holds 200 .30-06 cases, so that isn't really all that much of a limit.