Dillon Primer Pick up tube problems


New member
Anyone having difficulties with the small primer pickup tube when they invert the tube and pull the pin to release primers?

I have used mine for several years & usually releases all the primers without problem, however recently when I pull pin the first (bottom) primer seems to be lodged off center & will not drop. I cleaned tube ends with small bottle brush & still having hangups. Can't believe it's worn out!


New member
Out of habit, I always stick the plastic follower into the primer tube, then pull the pin, and maybe that's why they always just shoot right out of there. I've also read of others using heavier 'followers', which caused detonation...guess I'll pass on that idea.
Tie a string to a small nail and drop it through the tube. Tie the other end to a pipe cleaner, moisten the pipe cleaner with alcohol and drag it through the tube. You should do this periodically anyway to get the primer dust out, as if enough accumulates, it can occasionally be set off by primers sliding against it, detonating the whole column of primers.

Repeat until the tube is clean inside.

Once you have the tube clean inside, mix some graphite powder with more alcohol and pull a couple of Q-tips wetted with it through the tube. Let it dry. You now have a clean tube with the inside dry lubricated to make the primers slide more easily.


New member
I agree with UncleNick. Over a long period of time the tubes become dirty. I have found that cutting the end off a cotton swab (Q-tip, etc.), and forcing it through the pickup tube will clean it out and the primers will drop as they should. The cotton swabs fit the pick-up tube tightly, but the plastic follower rod will push them through.
I should have thought to suggest them for the cleaning, too, rather than the pipe cleaner. You don't need to buy both. Alcohol is still the universal cleaner for these, either way, and the graphite does keep the operation very smooth.


New member
Assuming that your tubes are clean, it's possible that the primers themselves are a bit out of round or have a burr making them hang up. Seems to me that a few years ago there was an issue with one of the makers where their primers hung up frequently in both Dillon and Hornady primer tubes.


New member
When it comes to the maintenance of Dillon primer pick-up tubes, something else worth mentioning is that the plastic fixture on the ends will, with several years of use, loose their tension which can result in spilling all the primers from the tube, out the plastic end under their own weight (ask me how I know :)). However, I think it was only the large tubes (heavier total primer weight) that unexpectedly jettisoned my primers. I think , if I remember correctly, the Dillon spare parts kit comes with extra primer tube pick-up ends.


New member
Thanks everyone for the great suggestions!

I will try the clean & lube method in a few days when I get time, crud buildup is probably the cause of my problems.