Dillon Primer loader


New member
Can anyone comment on the $$ Dillon Primer tube filler system?

Does it 100% fill the tube without any upside down primers?

It's expensive and must work 100% of the time.



New member
I'm averaging about 1 in ever 500. I've used some of the tricks from another forum. The one that helped the most IMO was using a mousepad underneath! But that could just have been the clincher. I like it, though I've used the Frankford one too with some success. Lot cheaper but you do have more flipped ones with different brands of primers.

Call me nuts but I just like to watch the damn thing in action. Mesmerizing! :D


New member
I looked at the Dillon, and built my own using a Lee Autoprime replacement tray with a Dillon primer tube. Utube has some videos on this.


New member
I love this primer system. I don't know how a guy could ever get an upside down primer. It would have to be human error when filling the tube, as once the primers are in, they can't turn over.


New member
Have one. I probably had 1 in 100 upside down before the adjustable speed (which all new ones have now) and now maybe 1 in 500+. Big time saver when loading 3K+/month.


New member
They do have to be adjusted and if you get them right you won't have inverted primers but the tube will take the entire time to fill as it will be culling "correct" primers too if they are not just right to enter.

A non issue for me because I fill it up and get back to loading. If you are going to stop and watch it, I am with GJS, the vibra primes go on sale for $25 a few times a year and worth it.


New member
If you are going to stop and watch it, I am with GJS, the vibra primes go on sale for $25 a few times a year and worth it

I made my own double ended plastic tubes that are 12" long, exactly the right ID for small primers with a hole cross ways at each end to accommodate a hair pin (same as on any primer tube). You need to dremmel or sand one end so that it makes a good fit in the VP. Primers go in one end and fill up the tube on the press using the other end. I've made 12 tubes, so I fill them all up at once. Takes maybe 25 minutes to all 12.

There's a short learning curve to properly angle the VP when filling a tube.


New member
Thanks for all the replies. I decided against the purchase. My salesman at the Gun store says it can be finicky. I'll load the tubes. I only make 4 boxes at a time=2 tubes. 5-8 minutes to fill them. Not so bad.

Can't find VibraPrime from Franklin in stock anywhere?


New member
OK tried cabells and.
Please review the error(s) highlighted below in red.

The following item is out of stock and not available for purchase at this time:
Item #: IK - 218671 | Frankford Arsenal® Vibra-Prime? Automatic Primer Tube Filler | CAL/GAUG: VIBRA PRIME

Graf says it's in stock, I ordered at $39.99, we shall see.



New member
Yep, I too now see "sold out" in red when I click the link.

Makes me wonder how many they sold over the 17 hour period...