Dillon Precision - never disappointed


New member
Just a quick note on another favorable experience w dillon. Ive had a 550b for 25 years. I was having some issues with the press, it was very sluggish so I followed there instructions and cleaned the press, several times, but never got the smoothness i was looking for. So i called dillon to have it cleaned. I asked them if they wanted me to pay upfront. They said theyd call me.
My press showed two weeks later w a bumch of parts replaced at no cost, including shipping and smooth as silk.
They always go above and beyond. Great company, they set the bar for customer sat.


New member
I would call my single experience with them about average. They were very helpful, but I did have to pay for every part I needed for a 550B.


New member
I would call my single experience with them about average. They were very helpful, but I did have to pay for every part I needed for a 550B.
Why did they say you had to pay for the parts? Intentional damage? Negligence? The parts were optional? What?


New member
It's been 3 or 4 years ago. I don't remember the exact details. The press had set for a long time, but I do remember at least some of the parts I needed were simply missing. I don't blame Dillon for not replacing parts that were missing (at no cost), unless the parts were never supplied in the first place. I was simply providing an example where they don't always fix/replace everything for free as is suggested by some. I remember being a little disappointed at the time but I wasn't certain that the problems I had were Dillon's fault, so I didn't press the issue.


New member
I cant say i have had a lot of problems, most parts pretty trival small parts, springs and such. But they never charges me so much as shipping. To be fair i have called rcbs on two occasions, one was a missong part which i told them. They replaced both parts at no cost too.


New member
Dillon is great with their customer service. A good friend of mine confided in me that he accidentally shot his Dillon scale. He somehow managed to discharge a little .380 ACP and of all things the bullet blew away his scale. I told him send the scale to Dillon and he balked at the thought of showing Dillon he was stupid enough or better put careless enough to shoot his scale. So I told him if he was going to throw the scale away (it was quite dead) to just give it to me and I would send it to Dillon. Worst case I figure is some people at Dillon will share a laugh and send me a new scale. So the laugh is on me and I get a free scale. Works for me. Anyway he decides why not and sends the scale in as broken, hell yes it's broken, it has an obvious bullet damage to it. Two weeks later his brand new scale showed up with absolutely no charge. :)



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Reloadron ive read stories like tbis before. One guy shot his powder measure and they replaced that for free as well.


New member
I've used Dillon gear for years and will share a couple of my customer service experiences. After years of use, the primer system on my 550B became unreliable. Cleaned it, etc. but still issues. Took it into Dillon. They replaced it at at N/C. Once, loading 9MM, it took a lot of pressure to bell a case mouth. I thought It was probably a military 9MM case. These are sometimes a little thicker and tougher than commercial brass. I literally broke the powder measure by accidentally getting a 38 Super case mixed in with 9MM. Embarrassed, I took the broken powder measure into Dillon. The counter guy chuckled, and said I wasn't the first to have done that. He said in fact, they'd reengineered the powder measure to prevent breakage in future. He exchanged my broken measure for a new one at N/C.

BTW, I had an old Square Deal B that had been in regular use by a friend for many years. It was pretty ratty. Dillon said they'd rebuild it back to like new for $44.95. This was a couple years ago. I decided to sell the old one for what I had in it and bought a new one. But I thought the price quoted to rebuild the old one was a bargain........ymmv

Old 454

New member
Same here. Sent my xl650 that was bought in 1999 to them for cleaning and restoration.

Got it back in just over a week. All cleaned up and a boat load of parts replaced all packaged up in a 650 box... no charge


New member
I rescued a XL650 on its way to the junk. The ram was seize and chicken dodo all over it. Since I wasn’t the original owner the few parts I needed I had to buy. No problem. I learned what a marvelous piece of engineering it is. With a copy of the manual I set that thing up and it runs ammo like a dream. They were very helpful on the phone too. What a great piece of machinery.