Dillon Blue Press Poster...What type of Rifle?


New member
In the January 2003 issue of Dillon's Blue Press there is a very nice lady with a very nice rifle. Looks to be an AR15 style, but at the same time it looks like perhaps it's a .308?


Sorry about the small pic, but they didn't have a full size on the site. Picture #6. If you look on the cover of the issue it looks like it might be a bolt action instead of a semi.

Good SHooting


New member
Its probably that rifle made by David Tubb, it think its called the Tubb 2000. Could be wrong though, Im not into overpriced gee whiz match guns.

Jamie Young

New member
She's the hottest Dillon chic.IMHO

Those catalogs get me in trouble. I had a girl over that I've been dating for a couple months. The Dillon catalog was in a pile of news and sports mags. I could tell she rooted threw the pile real quick when I ran upstairs to go to the bathroom. I'm sure she was picking threw the pile to see if I had any dirty mags in there. My sister came over and saw the catalog and said,"They put girls in gun catalogs?";)

Did you want to talk about that chic on the mag, or the rifle?


New member
very nice young lady.

On page 17, amids the more pics of her it says that the rifle is infact a TUBB 2000 from McMillanm Bros.

Thanks for this post, I hadn't noticed that she had a rifle.

Jamie Young

New member
That was the first time I actually saw a name on one of those ladies. I think the only difference between those catalogs is the the female on the cover.

Those girls only go after the guys with money, so, I refuse to lust after them. Atleast I'll try not to.:D

El Rojo

New member
Am I the only one who thinks the lady and rifle aren't that great because they resemble a white box with a red "X" in the center?