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New member
Ok so I had a local ffl order a spikes ar 15 for me on good faith that I would purchase it for a good price btw well two days before it was in the transmission blew up in my girls truck so I had to spend the money to get it fixed bcause no truck means the bills don't get paid. Now I really want this ar 15 and I purchased an xdm 45 just a week before I ordered the ar 15 so do I sell the xdm to get the ar 15 or let the ar go? What would you do? I also really feel like an ******* because he ordered it on good faith with 0 money down which I wish he wouldn't have done now cause I could have just told the girlfriend she's out of luck cause the money's gone already and id have my ar 15. Idk what to do here at all. Here's the ar15 he just listed it locally..


New member
You need to man up and find the money to pay for your purchase. Talk to the FFL and explain it will be a couple of weeks. Use your credit card. Don't purchase firearms until you have $2000 in the bank for other emergencies. Pay for this one and move on. Learn to budget.


New member
Yea I had the money its not really my budgeting its hers that messed me up but I don't make enough to cover bills by myself so I pretty much had to pay to fix the truck or get evicted with a shiny new ar. I also don't have any credit cards I don't trust banks or credit card companies I deal mostly in cash other than the checking account I keep a few bucks in so I can cash my checks for free.

Bud Helms

Senior Member
This is one of those discussions that is filled with mention of firearms, but at the core is not about fireams at all.

It is about managing your budget and personal responsibility.

Lift out the AR and insert Ducati Multistrada. The discussion would be the same.

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