Digital scale?


New member
I have used a balanced bean scale for measuring gun powder and my digital for arrow points. My digital however does not have enough decimals to measure gunpowder however, it goes 3 4 5 and not 3.5, 4.7 etc. etc. Anybody have any good recommendations on a new one?


New member
I wonder, what advantage do you think a digital powder scale would have over your reliable beam scale? I suppose a ditital is "better" when measuring a large number of cases or bullets but for measuring powder and trickling up charges a beam scale is still "state of the art" in my opinion. My (retired) opinon is based on half a life time of maintaining and calibrating precision electronic measurement equipment in the space and defense programs.


New member
I just decided to go the digital route, and opted for Lyman's 1500XP scale/trickler combo (on sale now at Cabelas). Couldn't afford the full-on 1200 DPS 3 unit, so I am hopeful this will do what I need. However it turns out, I will post results and my impressions here.


New member
When I got my digital and trickling system, I had dreams of the speed and accuracy for loading. It is now used only for sorting cases and bullets by weight, it's wonderful for that. All powder measuring is done on my 10-10 beam.


New member
No Quarter,

Now you've done it...... I must have one of those! I just bought a Dillon DTerminator scale and while I do like it alot, the auto dispensing aspect of the PACT looks great.

That is definitely my next reloading tool purchase.


New member
The RCBS Chargemaster 1500 combo gets good press from those who own one.
I could never use a straight digital scale for reloading, but a combo like the Chargemaster would work for me, although I don't own one and am not interested in buying one. I'll stick with my Ohaus beam balance and trickling up method.



New member
I have had the pact for about 2 years. It is dead-on accurate when I check it against a balance beam. I just got the Trickler about a month ago and IT IS FANTASTIC. Makes working up loads a dream. And, It is much easier to empty than the RCBS or LYMAN. It does not have a memory so you can't "store" numerous weights. It will store the current weight and will dispense that weight each time you hit "Dispense". To change the weight, enter it on the key board and hit "store" then hit "Dispense". The wt. won't change until you manually enter and store a different wt. I didn't see multiple weight storage as an issue as you STILL have to interface with the keyboad to recall a stored wt. So what's the difference??

tn gun runner

New member
I use 1010 to check powder weight and pact electric for everything else. I don't trust anything but a beam scale for working up loads..


I love the Lyman 1200. With a set of lee scoops to toss out 80% of the charge, I can get 100 cases charged in 1/2 an hour!

Im a human powder measure!

Wildasaregularscaleiamusingarcbs1010Alaska TM


New member
I use an RCBS digital - and the reason I use them is they're faster than a beam scale. It just takes a few seconds to check a powder drop. A beam scale is not bad / but its a little slower in my experience.

RCBS, Pact and Dillon all sell decent digital scales. It wouldn't surprise me if one company was making all of them - and they may be assembled in the US - but I doubt seriously all of them have 100% of the components made here in the US. There has been a lot of bs about Pact scales coming out of Taiwan or China in the last year or so / but I don't have any idea if its true or not.


The Lyman is blatantly made in China. So be it. If SWMBOs folk made it, it would be twice the price.

WildasianelectronicsAlaska ™
If you're a budget reloader not interested in benchrest accuracy midway sells a cheap Frankford arsenal scale that is very accurate and reliable for about 25.00.

There are a lot of posts that indicate if you get this scale you need to buy new batteries immediately and clean the batteries and contacts with alcohol. It holds its zero well, is very repeatable, and is dead on with my calibration weights that range from .5 grains to 150 grains.

If you have more money to invest the one WildAlaska recommended is excellent...I got to use the one at the gunshop to test it out. It all depends on why you need it and how much jack you have to invest in it.


You know as much as I like a digital scale/measure like the Lyman, a regular scale is much easier to use for small projects, especially where different powders are being used...

WildoldstyleisgoodstyleAlaska TM


New member
....Get the more expensive model of the two ..(DPPS, I think it is called).
Digital Precision Powder Scale.

Jim Thompson

New member
I called PACT the other day to get my RCBS Digital Pro scale recalibrated. They instructed me how to recalibrate it if it ever gets out of sink. While on the phone, they told me they didn't make RCBS scales anymore. They come from China. Doesn't everything??


Not everything, I bought a bag of fortune cookies the other day and it said they were made in New Jersey.

Umm not to disabuse you of that notion, but China BOUGHT New Jersey last week....:)

WildowaitimsorryitwasjustthepoliticosmybadcarryonAlaska TM