difficulty cocking 625


New member
I have a recently acquired 625 with perhaps 100 rounds I've put through it and, I'm told, no more than that by the previous owner. I've begun to notice the past couple of days that when I cock the hammer I must pull it forcefully all the way back for it to stay cocked, otherwise the hammer will fall. When cocking it I fell resistance until whatever the hammer needs to latch on to to keep it back is engaged.
This seems to have no bearing on the double-action pull. I haven't shot it since I noticed the problem so I don't know if it will effect anything.
Anybody have this experience before?
Should I be worried?
I'd bet money that the strain screw is starting to back out.

Take the grips off and look for the screw near the bottom of the front grip strap, the one that goes through the frame and bears on the main spring.

Take a properly fitting screw driver and try to tighten it.

I'm betting that it's going to be loose.

It should be fully tightened.

If it is loose, the mainspring can actually being to knuckle, or attempt to compress along its length instead of flex.


New member
Double action pull still normal ?
Think not strain screw.

That critter have a trigger overtravel stop ?
Could have shifted.

Or sumpin.

Actually yes, it could well be the strain screw and still give the APPEARANCE of a "normal" double action trigger pull.

This has happened to me before, and the symptoms were exactly what Old_Yout is describing.

It's not backed out very far, yet. But enough that it's making it difficult to get it into the single-action notch - probably no more than 1 1/2 to 2 turns.


New member
Quite right, Mike.
The screw was a bit loose and tightening made the problem go away.
Thanks for everyone's help!
"The screw was a bit loose and tightening made the problem go away."

Glad I could help, Old_Yout.

I was about 99.9 percent sure what the solution was going to be.

Hey Sam!

Who's good? That's me! Uh Huh! Not you! No way! WHOOOOOO!

:D :p


New member
Me too....
I just dont get em as screwed up as you.:D

Sam.....runnin with broiled crow in brown bag, half eaten, rest for later. .:)