Different kind of gun buy back.


New member
Some "for profit" organization is hosting a gun buy back program in Illinois across the river from St. Louis, Alton I think.
They have a hotel room and are paying $25.00 for each gun. The thing that makes it different (at least I'm not familar with the concept but that doesn't mean squat), is that the guns are going to be resold at an auction. Not melted down.
The reported discribed this as a "problem" this morning on the Fox channel in St. Louis. I have jotted off an email to him as to why, reselling these firearms to a lawful American citizen was a problem...:mad:
Anyone seen a program like this?


New member
Sounds like a good deal to me - I'd like to take all the Sig Sauers, H&Ks, and Glocks I can outta the inner city at $25 a pop. No cheap junk though. But they're also gonna have to be checked for being stolen property, use in a crime, etc afore I'd pay up...

Now what were some of the other reasons gun "buy back" programs suck? :rolleyes: