Difference in 20 vs 26in barrels?

ohen cepel

New member
How much will I lose between a 20in barrel in .308 vs a 26in barrel?

Looking into the Remington LTR vs the PSS.


Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
Starting some 60 years back, somebody on the NRA staff would re-open the question about velocity loss per inch of barrel cut off. I vaguely recall one test where they started with a 30" barrel; might have been an '06, but disremember.

This would be on roughly a ten-year interval, just like the "brush-busting" bullet tests. In more recent times, the various gun-rags go through the same exercise.

Keep in mind that at one time, the industry standard for giving muzzle velocities used the 26" barrel. Charts were published and given to gunstores.

Hokay. After all that background...

In general, magnums and those cartridges which are somewhat overbore apparently lose around 75 to 100 ft/sec/in. It is a bit worse for some of the magnums, although I don't recall specifics.

For cartridges like the .308, it seems to run more in the range of 50 to 75 ft/sec/in.

Note that the newer (last 20 or so years) loading data books give chronograph figures from not only 26" barrels, but 24" or 22" as well. IMO, it is reasonable to subtract losses as I have given above if your barrel is shorter than that in the book.


May the gobbler you gobble enjoy being gobbled as much as you enjoy gobbling that gobbler. :) Happy Turkey Day!


New member
Most of my quality rifles have 26" barrels and that is what I am used to. Currently, only my carry-weight 700ADL in 270 has a 22" barrel and I have had a 7mm-08 Savage 10FP with a 20" in the past.

In general, if you plan on punching paper, I don't see any reason NOT to get the 26" barrel. On the other hand, if you are part of a law enforcement team and need to get into position to take a shot that may save someone's life, the 20" barrel would probably allow you to do that a few seconds quicker.

Tom Matiska

New member
Buy or borrow a Nosler book. The 24" rifle data and 14" pistol data are interesting to compare. Look at the * (most accurate) listed for each powder as well as the velocity. The * is often at the max load for the longer barrel and the min load for the shorter barrel.

If splitting hairs matters, you may have to give up 300+ more to have the same accuracy.


ohen cepel

New member
Thanks for the info.

Don't have the research material here with me.

If it's 75fps or so I'm not concerned given the increased handiness.

Thanks Again,
The extra fps counts when you're shooting long range (anywhere past 800 yards). If you're shooting 300 and below, the LTR is ideal.


New member
According to Maj. John Plaster in his book "The Ultimate Sniper", You lose about 25 fps per inch. I cut back the barrel on my .308Win Rem700 Vss to 20", and it still drives tacks out to 200 meters (it shoots 1/2 MOA).Haven't had a chance to shoot it farther yet.
