Diet for the advanced operator?


New member

What type of diet do any of you advanced operator's use. I am specifically looking for references (books et al) that I can study to make the right choices for my physiology and activity level. Currently I keep a fairly well balanced diet, along with about 30 minutes of aerobic exercise and strength training daily. There is of course the obligitory pistolcraft and CQB training as well. Any suggestions? I would like to know what works for you...

Big Dave

New member
Check out the Food Guide Pyramid. :)

Eat plenty of fiber. Try a bowel of Fiber One with some fruit. That will give you your daily fiber requirement. It's pretty good tasting. Fiber kicks butt.

Good luck.

My opinion is that's it's pretty simple. Stay balanced. Avoid the saturated fats. Eat your veges and fruit.

Oh, i ain't no operator. Just a regular guy.



New member
one point that's pounded over and over again in the bodybuilding and powerlifting literature is the need for protein. the really big guys claim that they need 1-1.5 g of protein per pound of bodyweight per day. that is way, way higher than the RDA numbers (which are mostly based on studies of young sedentary males).

another thing to consider is the 40-30-30 theory (i.e. percentage of total calories from carbs, proteins, fats).

when in doubt, reduce simple sugars and caffeine, increase fluid intake.

there's a booklet (from USDA I think) that gives food values for a wide variety of foods. its just a collection of boring tables, but its a good reference for trying to figure out what your total diet adds up to. being a gov't pub, its cheap. might be online nowadays.

[This message has been edited by Ivanhoe (edited March 05, 2000).]


New member
I can tell you what worked for me. It help me lose 70 punds in 6 months. My girlfreind developed this, and to give you an idea, she's 5'6", 125 lbs, and a size 2. Note that this is not a weight loss diet, but a true diet, a diet for life.

We are allowed NO: fried food, oils, butter, margarine, minimal dairy, (we use Lactaid 100, which is 100% fat free milk) minimal salt, and finally no meat of any kind. We only eat turkey, chicken and fish. when I shop, I never buy anything that has a saturated fat content of great than 5% RDA.

Now, that sounds terribly strict, I know. Here's the good part: That's the standard diet. By following that on a *regular* basis, you're allowed to cheat. For example: Once a week, when I used to live in Buffalo, we'd go out for chicken wings. They are probably the worst, (Fried in oil, fatty as hell) but by guidlining to the above, it gives you that freedom.

My G/F is a chocaholic, so on her birthday, I'd get her custom-made triple chocolate cakes. Again, terrible, but because we strictly adhere to the diet, when we cheat, there's no consequences.

We still enjoy many wonderful foods: Edy's Free Ice Cream tastes great, and has no fat. We enjoy Mexican food, using Fat-free sour cream, eating chicken fajitas all the time. Alot of broiled fish, grilled chicken salads, and all the standard chicken dishes (minus fried.) Spaghetti, (no meatballs) vegetarian baked beans, (Bush's) all the veggies we want, and can even enjoy alot of gourmet meals. At one dinner party I made Smoked Roast Turkey in Cherry Sauce that (If I do say so myself) was killer with wild rice, glazed carrots, and a squash medley. After the dinner, people were surprised to find out that it was completely fat free.

E-mail me off-list if you want some more guidelines.

It sounds terribly strict, I know, but once you get into the swing of it, it's easy, and really does work.

[This message has been edited by joegerardi (edited March 05, 2000).]


New member
You can't really follow someone elses diet plan. You really need to find out what works best for you. Of course you can use other plan as a starting point. It also depends on what your goals are, weight loss, weight gain, etc.... And also on what kind of body you already have. Do research, go to the ADA(American Dietic Assosiation) web site not sure of the adress. They have lots of info. And lastly you gotta stick with it have the dedication and it will work, don't expect miricals the healthy way is kinda slow and in spirts.
Good luck
