didn't know what to do!


New member
OK, I was out hunting this last weekend and saw a few deer. the first one I saw was a little buck, I haven't taken a buck with my bow so he woulda done. He waled over my scent trail and he wasn't spooked at all. I shot at about 35 yards and hit a branch he bounded 20 yards and then came back but no 2nd shot. He milled around for about 30 minutes and then took off no clue I was there.

I tried to grunt on the tube, whistle, sniffle, breaking a branch, nothing worked to get his attention. What do people use to get a deer's attention? Either this deer was really stupid or he was deaf. I didn't know if there is such a thing as too loud or what.

I am still a rookie at bow hunting so take it easy please!!
