Did you guys see this?


New member

The part you want to start watching at is at 17:56

I feel sorry for everyone who went out and bought an XCR, ACR, or SCAR 16. I was just about to buy a SCAR and now I'm overjoyed and sad at the same time. I'm sad that I'm going to have to wait forever for Beretta to release this in the USA but I'm happy that I don't have to flush $2300 down the drain in order to get a gun that is fully ambidextrous.


New member
Alot of people have said their hasn't been any technology advances in weapons since the M16/AR-15, well I think this is a big step in the right direction. I think we will be seeing alot more of the Beretta ARX160


New member
I think we will be seeing alot more of the Beretta ARX160

Yeah especially since whoever was runnning the damn camera doesnt know how to zoom out. :D

But seriously AR's are fine for me, when you start talking about paying $2000 for a gun that looks like something off of Call Of Duty (which I play so I aint dissing it) thats when I just shake my head. Unless your a contractor or someone that likes to walk around the range bragging about your guns I dont see the need for it. But I guess thats what makes this country great, people can spend money on stuff they dont really need like candy, fast food, and guns.


New member
We'll see how it does when it's released. Looks like just another next-gen rifle. My concern is that they might be too late to the game. Time will tell.


New member
Wow, if that rifle ends up being as advertised, it's going to change the market. That's incredible, and if I can buy that rifle and hold 1MOA at 100 yards, I can tell you I will pay the 1500 or so for it. The main question I had was about the ceramic shield and how long that lasts. It would have to last you a good 10k rounds to be viable so that's what I'm assuming, but I'd like to know anyways.

Being able to throw brass to either side that easily, being able to change the barrel that easily, that's great.


New member
@nathaniel: Well looks don't matter unless you are talking about camouflage. I understand your POV, though. Its just that a lefty like myself has to throw a whole bunch of aftermarket stuff on an AR just so that I can almost use it like a right-handed person.

@themusgrat: The ceramic plate will outlast the barrel and the stock. Ceramic plates are used on the space shuttle for a heat shield. I think the approximate life-time for the shield is probably infinity. Unless you find a way to crack the ceramic then the piddly operating temperatures of a rifle aren't going to affect it at all.


New member
I'm not a huge fan of black rifles, But I would def. be purchasing that rifle if it becomes available to the public.
Yeah especially since whoever was runnning the damn camera doesnt know how to zoom out.

Super off topic, but my buddy films EVERYTHING zoomed. Loses focus more, shows shakes more, CAN BE DONE DIGITALLY AFTER THE FACT, etc. I keep trying to explain him these things.

Don't use zoom when filming possibly awesome things, you may ruin the experience.

@themusgrat: The ceramic plate will outlast the barrel and the stock. Ceramic plates are used on the space shuttle for a heat shield. I think the approximate life-time for the shield is probably infinity. Unless you find a way to crack the ceramic then the piddly operating temperatures of a rifle aren't going to affect it at all.

The problem is that there are many different ceramics out there. The stuff used on the shuttle may be super L337megaawesome, but have you ever dropped a ceramic kitchen knife? Makes it lose an edge fast, all over your floors. Guns are not babied, typically, and they produce small impacts all on their own.

Not saying the ceramic is a bad idea, or that it will or won't hold up. Just saying. :D


New member
Beretta has been saying the same thing about the ARX 160 since the 2007 Shot Show. I'm sick of hearing that they are going to release their wonder rifle to civi's in the US market. I say poop or get of the pot!!


I believe Beretta is busy making them for their own Army. Selling a few thousand semi autos to disgruntled former Masada fans isn't their main line. :rolleyes:

SHOT lead times are a bit puff for others, too, it took what, a year to get Magpul to release the MOE rifle guards and Iphone cases? It's SHOT, a preview to bulk buyers and the military, not the general public.

It's nice, what I want to know, is it an entry in the Improved Carbine trials? FN doesn't look like the uberfuture supergun their fanboys insist it is in comparison.

If the numbers were known, we might find out there are already more ARX160's built than FN16/17's together. And lets not forget how we accepted the M9, that refueling base in the Med, plus the Airborne unit, is on Italian soil.

Oh, yes they did play that card. It keeps leaking out years later.

I'm saying, don't be surprised to see it issued to our troops in a few years. It's got as good a chance as others, I don't see small players making the cut.


New member
The first beretta product I like, If it really is 1500 and doesnt price it to the moon like the acr ill get one.


New member
@tirod: I'm not even really a Masada fan. I'm a fan of a carbine that a lefty can use without having to do a crap-ton of modifications that doesn't suck in some way.

AR-15: I need a BAD lever (which still doesn't work very well for lefties), a left-ejecting upper, an ambidextrous safety, an ambidextrous magazine release, and oh yeah make mine a piston gun because if I get some sand in my gun it might jam (I still have no trust whatsoever in the M4/16 platform because my M16 in basic jammed every 2nd or 3rd round).

ACR: The safety sucks because it gets in the way of your hand when it is flipped off. It weighs more than the average AR. It can't fire military surplus without jamming. Way too much money for a gun that isn't better than an AR.

SCAR: Weighs about the same as an AR (yet it is made of polymer... ***). It doesn't have an ambidextrous bolt catch/release like the ACR so I need a crappy BAD lever for it (and like I said those aren't that great for lefties anyway). The safety doesn't get in your way because it has a 45 degree throw but the left-handed lever is smaller than the right-handed lever (FN may as well have said, "**** you lefties.")

So yeah the SCAR has the least to complain about but it is ~$2300. Absolutely ridiculous price for a piston AR that has quasi-ambidextrous controls and a SLOW barrel change capability.

At least the SCAR 17 has low recoil for a .308... not much more can be said for the SCAR 16, though.