Did you ever think you were done....and then


New member
Did you ever think you were done buying guns and then........."Oh, hell".

Yup, just happened to me. Thought I was all set, no need for anything else, and then along comes a youtube video about a Ruger bearcat converted to a 5-shot .327mag. Now I just have to have one in .32H&R. Dang! Got me again. :rolleyes:


New member
As far as hunting guns. I have everything I need to hunt any game in North America. My problem, and it's not really a problem in my mind is the deals I stumble across. Sometimes I find a gun that I really don't need, but the price is just to good to pass up. I resell them for a nice profit and add the dollars to the gun buying purse for next time. So I don't see the buying stopping anytime soon. It is just the number of guns I decide to keep has slowed down.



New member
That is a continuing problem for me. I now need another safe because my taste has moved to rim fire rifles and I have no more room for long guns. Guess I won't be done until I'm looking up at the wrong side of the grass....


New member
When the safe got full.....

Then my brother got a massive safe and a few are on semi permanent loan to him to free up space.


New member
Yeah, I thought I had enough handguns. Then I bought another AR and another shotgun, neither of which have I fired yet.


New member
I doubt if I'll ever permanently be done buying guns, but I do tell myself that's it for this year. Typically that doesn't last, and my wife almost always encourages me to buy more. I think she secretly likes guns more than I do.:rolleyes:


New member
I thought I was done too, then I saw a picture of a Colt MK IV Ultimate Officers 3 1/2" .45acp; and away we go. Still looking for one.


New member
I think you're kidding yourself, 9ballbilly; we'll be done when we get to the BIG done. Until then, just enjoy.

I haven't seen that particular youtube, but have heard about a Ruger Shopkeeper conversion and had to go buy me one.

I don't think I'm done, though ;).

Lamar Jr

New member
Done.....are you kidding. Never done. There's always something new, or old, or different, or whatever that needs to be added to the collection.


New member
then I saw a picture of a Colt MK IV Ultimate Officers 3 1/2" .45acp; and away we go. Still looking for one.
I got lucky on this one and saw it a LGS a few years ago. The original grips were gone so I got some replacement grips from Esmeralda:



New member
Agree, a true addict is never healed just in recovery. Every now and then the temptation is just too great. Then we must start the recovery process all over again. I solved most of my pain by increasing the number of safe's in the basement. Also, found that rotating the stock every few years helps with the recovery therapy.

Glockstar .40

New member
When I die, no plans to stop before.

I bought an M&P shield 9mm (love it BTW) a week ago and already have my eyes set on my next purchase. I always tell myself (and my wife) 1 gun per year. always ends up being 2 or 3. The shield is already my 3rd purchase of the year behind my savage trophy hunter xp 30-06 and GP100 SS 4 inch.