Did Something Stupid

E. BeauBeaux

New member
So maybe you can learn from it. For some unknown reason I put a small batch of powder in a ziplock bag. Can't remember why I did this and since I am really srict about a label on everything [this has none]. I just don't know what I was thinking or when I did it. It's not much maybe 1/8 pound. I found it as I was checking stock in preparation for the show this weekend. Anyway it's getting thrown away to be on the safe side. I know better and can't figure why I did that. Stay safe folk's.


New member
Don't feel bad. I had to toss a Lee "perfect powder measure" hopper full one time, when I stupidly put 2 cans on the bench. Now I keep a "burn" jar on the bench. Any unknown powder goes there.

Unkel Gilbey

New member
Well, don't just chuck it into the trash!

Besides the obvious, it's a waste. Take that powder and sprinkle it out in your door yard - it makes a fine fertilizer.

Good Luck,
Unkel Gilbey


New member
Save it for July 4th...

Dig small hole, insert toilet paper cardboard, dump in powder, insert fuse, light, and enjoy the show...