Did some shooting today with the girlfriend and......


New member
I took the GF shooting today. We just shot some paper at 7 yards and a few shots at 25 yards with my CZ 75B and my Walther PPK/S and she likes my CZ so much she wants me to find her one in a more compact size!

I have to say she is a natural shot and you would never guess she has only shot no more then maybe 80-100 rounds in her life and all this year. We have been gun shopping for some time but mostly just looking for my new pistol now it's her turn I guess!:p She had a eye on a Browning BDA .380 but we will have to take a look at the CZ 75 compacts first to see if she likes them?

I was hoping she would just take a liking to the Walther but no such luck! I have to say the more I shoot the Walther the less I like it as well but it could have something to do with the CZ being such a nice shooting gun?


My wife hates full size guns. You will never get her to use a Glock. She can't stand the slide release. She struggles with it everytime. She loves my Detonic .45. It fits her hand perfectly. She loves the extended slide release that I installed on it for her. She just loves the feel of the gun. I can't blame her. If my hands were like hers I would love it too. You are lucky to have a wife that is a natural born shooter.


New member
Yeah after shooting my STI Ranger II in 9mm my girlfriend's been trying to take it over. She just bought herself a Kahr CW9 for carry too. I guess it could be worse....she could be against firearms.


New member
She is not interested in a low capacity, half plastic compact. Kahr makes a fine gun just not what she is looking for. Kahr CW9 7+1. This is for Target shooting 1st and HD/SD 2nd.

Hagar, why would she forget about CZ after trying out a Kahr? CZ makes some of the best handguns you can buy for the money! The CZ 2075 RAMI 14+1 is what she is interested in but it HAS to fit her hand and we need to do some shopping.


New member
You could always show her a EAA/Witness, (Supposedly copies of CZ) less sticker shock and very good units for the $$$. imo
If you can get your hands on a P-01 or a 75D PCR have her try that. They're not as small as the RAMI, but still pretty compact.

Go show her a Kahr CW9, and she will forget about the CZ!

Ha ha ... yeah, don't think so somehow.


New member
i had the same experience with my GF. I thought she would like my sig 232, but instead like the 226 BWTAC and Glock 34 better


New member
My lady likes wheelguns. :D It makes me happy with the exception of .38 costs more the 9mm. Granted I don't have to chase the casings all over the range either...

If you gave her a OM Blackhawk with some mean .357s I'd be the last chap to go mess with her. :D
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New member
My wife hates full size guns. You will never get her to use a Glock. She can't stand the slide release. She struggles with it everytime.

If it's just the "slide release" that she dislikes, then have her use the overhand slide racking technique, which is the proper technique for chambering a round with a Glock. The "slide release" actually isn't a slide release, it's a slide lock and isn't intended for use as a slide release by Glock.

That said, you can buy extended slide locks, that do function as slide releases rather well without creating a clothing-snag. They are very inexpensive and dead easy to install.


New member
That's cool she likes to shoot. My fiance has went a few times with me. She has mostly shot my Beretta 948 .22, but she has also shot my Sig P229 a few times as well. The Sig is too big for her though, she has small hands.


New member
it's so wonderful to shoot with our ladies isn't it? my wife was 105 lbs with her pockets full of rocks when we got together, and she could shoot a snubbie .357 better than i could:p i've heard many times that women are often good at shooting, once they give it a chance. I have no experience with CZ, but keep hearing so many good things- I'm gonna have to look at some when i get back home:D

P.S. I feel sorry for fellas who's ladies are against guns and hunting... my thoughts and prayers are with you

chris in va

New member
You'd think my friend would like the lighter recoiling guns I have. Nope, her favorite is the Sig 220. "It shoots a big bullet!" Must be a power thing.:rolleyes:


New member
My wife likes my 75 Compact as much as I. In fact, I shoot the Compact better than the full size. Tried a Rami, but it just didn't feel right. Check around for any of the compact cZs so she can heft one.

Blue Grass

New member
My wife shoots my CZ PCR very well but she "confiscated" my Colt .38 Det. Spl. It's now "Her" gun. Oh well. At least she has good taste in guns.
Xfire68, have you introduced your lady friend to revolvers? Perhaps you can hold off on buying her a new auto until she sees if she like wheel guns. Just my $0.02 worth.

Evyl Robot

New member
My wife likes to shoot N-frames and full-sized steel pistols the best. Her first handgun purchase was a 627PC, and she also loves shooting my M29. When it came time for her to get a CCW piece, she looked at the Kahrs - specifically the PM45, but wound up buying a S&W 640. She's accurate out to 50+ yards with that little snubby! :eek: Next, she got herself a S&W M&P9c. She's usually carrying both of them at the same time. She pines for a high-end 1911, but that hasn't worked with the budget yet.


New member
If you really want to spoil your GF, have her try out a Browning High Power. She will love the feel and it has a 13 round capacity. Great range gun. That's the only pistol my wife will shoot. With a minimum of work you can take the trigger from good to great in a few easy steps.

It ain't tupperware either/


The Walther design is small and critical. I have big hands and I like the design in a working pistol. It is hard to find a Walther that works every time but when you do (with the fixed sights on target) it is always a keeper.

The Z is a fine handgun and usually a bit larger. No reason to switch if she likes it.

Get more Zs. Or one more. Keep the Walther for yourself. I think James Bond was on to something.