Did some patterning on my HD 12 gauge Wingmaster


New member
Did some patterning on my HD 12 gauge Wingmaster (added pics in #5)

I took my 1970 Wingmaster to the local indoor range to see what kind of spread I would get with typical 00 Buck shells (Winchester 2-3/4"). At 20 feet, the pattern was 4" wide, 7" wide at 30 feet.

I also tried some #7 steel birdshot from the same gun, at 10 feet the pattern was 6" wide, at 20 feet it was 14" wide. This gun has a 18.5" barrel, a smooth bore and no choke. The birdshot distribution was quite uniform.
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New member
Good thing you patterned it, many do not and have no idea where their shotgun is shooting.

In Jack O'Conners book of shotguns he would pattern even a new loading for his guns. Different brands would throw different patterns, and some of his guns liked a certain brand over others.


New member
You may be missing the point and leaping to assumptions. Spacecoast may know how his Wingmaster patterns; but, he didn't make any reference as to the proximity of the center of the patterns to his aiming point. Patterning is a two fold operation: pattern density and location.


New member
Pics added

I can't say I aimed that carefully, the gun was on my shoulder but my head was up and not really trying to look down the barrel at the front bead sight, which is probably how I would be aiming in a HD situation. Here are some pics, the circled or larger holes are from other guns (unless they are obviously from the wadding).

I can definitely see where the 00 buck would be devastating (9 x 55 grain bullets at well over 1000 fps), the birdshot would leave an ugly mess but may not be fatal esp. if the BG was wearing heavy clothes. Those shot are tiny, much smaller than a BB.

One other note about the birdshot - the pattern shows that even at close range, the spread is considerable, and it's NOT a "solid tube of lead" as I have read elsewhere. The buckshot would definitely be better, at least with this gun (18.5" barrel, no choke).

00 buck (1 shot) from 30 feet


00 buck (2 shots, COM and right shoulder) from 20 feet (circled holes are .25 ACP)


#7 steel shot, 20 feet


#7 steel shot, 10 feet (larger holes are 9mm)

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New member
You're plenty close enough for point-n-shoot action. If you're curious, you could give the bird shot at try at 20 or 40-yards instead of 20-feet.