Did I screw up ?


New member
After alot of reading on TFL, and reading and looking ,handeling at gun shops I finally laid down cash for an autolader. New Ruger SR9 with 2 mags. mag loading gizz-wizzy , lock and plastic case for $349.00 . The 9mm looks awful whimppy compared to magnum revolver cartridges I'm use to.

Looked real hard at a Berretta px 4 storm , but thought grips were slippery .

So was this a good by for a first time auto. shooter ? Look like its simple to use , hope to shoot it this week .


New member
Sounds like a decent deal to me. I hope you enjoy it, let us know how you like it.

Why do you think you screwed up?


New member
I've heard really good things about the SR9. They are nice and simple, easy for anyone new to autos.

Sounds like a great price too!


New member
An attractie, rugged weapon from a reputable American gunmaker with a solid customer service reputation? Maybe I am missing the mistake.

Unless it's that 9mm, but that's a tinderbox for another time :p


New member
Unless it's that 9mm, but that's a tinderbox for another time

LOL...have no fear. Ruger, a very reputable, and well known brand, knows very well what's going on, and why all the effort has been spent on a SR9, and not SR40.:)

You should have a fine weapon. I haven't any experience with the SR9, but it's been calling my name louder and louder over the last 6 months.

I think by next year's run. I'm gonna have to have one.

Congrats on a fine piece! Very good looking gun! I love the feel of that gun in my hand. Well balanced.


New member
The 9mm looks awful whimppy compared to magnum revolver cartridges I'm use to.
...because it kind of is! You didn't tell us what you do in magnum revolvers... but unless you are talking .32 H&R Magnum, then chances are 9mm comes up really short of magnum revolvers in most any kind argument about what is "wimpy."

But that doesn't mean you don't have yourself a decent shooter! For the cash you laid out and the company that built your new pistol, I don't see much screw-up here.

As for the amount of damage you can do with a "wimpy" 9mm, just get some practice and trigger time in... you can throw some warm little slugs at a very high rate, with follow-up shots coming VERY quickly on target.

Nope, not a magnum revolver, but most anything you shoot with it will re-think it's advance.


New member
You done good as long as it fits your hand 350 for ruger sr9 is a fair price. Take to the range and enjoy it.


New member
dude i got mine for 400 without the transfer fee. so 420 new? Whats not to like? 50 bucks cheaper and you get it now. I got my gf to shoot it, and she liked it, and it feels like my p345. There isn't anything to feel screwed up about. grats on your new toy.


New member
Is the 9mm the end all and be all of defensive rounds? No, I don't think any round ccan say that it is. It is a perfectly acceptable choice for self defense in a good HP loading.

Speer Gold Dot, Federal HST, Hornady Critical Defense are all good choices.

Good choice all around IMO.