Did I ruin my NAA mini?


New member
I've got a NAA mini .22short. I ran a standard hoppes copper cleaning brush through the barrel a few times with their heavy solvent. When I looked inside the barrel, the whole thing looked not scratched, but litterally gouged centripitally all up and down the barrel. Is the mettal of those barrels so soft that I ruined it cleaning it like that? Or do they actually come that gouged up?



New member
Run the bore-brush through there a few times. I've noticed some erosion-type of rough areas when looking through the barrel of my Beretta Jetfire (25ACP), but I think that's from heavy use of a gun that wasn't designed to have that many rounds through it. Then again, maybe it isn't barrel erosion, and it's just crud thats cooked into the barrel through extensive shooting. I always keep a light coat of oil in the barrel, and clean it after every range session. I wonder what's going on in my barrel too.

Maybe somebody else with small caliber pistols/revolvers can answer our questions.


New member
I would definitely send the pistol back to the manufacturer if it is indeed that bad after cleaning. Hoppes has been proven to be a safe solvent to clean weapons and will not chemically affect the barrel steel in such a way to cause etching or pitting. Especially with just one use.

NAA is a good company with a fine reputation for quality pistols. I think you got one that somehow got past quality control.

Good Shooting

Just curious, how does the thing shoot?


New member
It's a fun little popper. Sorta like shoting a cap gun. it has terrible accuracy though. So it's basically a novelty. But I think it's cute.


Alex Johnson

New member
There is no way that a copper brush would gouge even the softest steel. I think the above response that talks about either errosion or residue would be the most likely. Leading is a very real possibility and in a severe state it would look a lot like you describe with grooves and ragged edges. There are lead removers on the market, they look like little round brass screens with a special jag to push through the bore. I would buy one of these and run it threw a few times and see if it helps with the problem. It will also remove other residue. If this still doesn't help I would very definitely send it back to NAA with a letter asking what's up.


New member

When you say "copper cleaning brush" you're not talking about a stainless steel brush are you?

Those are very bad for bores.



New member
I think it is leading too. I once shot a bunch of ammo through (don't laugh) a Jennings J-22. It leaded up really bad and it took quite a bit of elbow grease and a copper brush to get it out. Clean it again with a lead/copper removing solvent. I use Hoppes usually too.