Did I make the right choice?


New member
Two weeks ago, I had the choice to buy either a Springfield XD .45 (Tactical), an EAA Witness .45, a Ruger P series .45, or a Smith and Wesson .357 (stainless), all based on my limited funds, and all based on the fact that I wanted a larger caliber handgun.
I picked the Ruger. It's the 97DC (de-cock only). I like it so far, but like all buyers, I'm second guessing myself at this point. What I wanted could be summarized in one word: RELIABILITY. I found numerous bad reviews about the Witness, and believe it or not, the XD just seemed to be more gun than I was looking for. The S&W was a revolver, and I don't think I really wanted it in the first place. Did I make the right choice? What would you have done?
(all of these were new, or like new, and in the same general price range)


New member
It's a matter of personal choice. Ruger makes a good gun. What model was the Smith? Notrhing wrong with a revolver. Again, depends on personal choice and usage.


New member
it sounds like you made the right choice FOR YOU. if reliability was your number one concern(as it should be) you got it in the ruger. we can all tell you what we would have done all day, but it might not be something you'd be happy with it. shoot the ruger, enjoy the ruger, don't look back.


New member
Maybe I read too much

thanks, maybe I'm just having that "buyer's remorse" crap.. which in my case means I got a reasonable product, but for some reason I always think I can do better (which I'm sure I could.. if I had the proper sized pocketbook). I trick myself into thinking that if I ask enough questions, and educate myself enough, I'll always make the right choices, but the reality is, each pistol, from each manufacturer, will have varying degrees of quality, no? (i.e. I hear endless stories of Springfield Mil-Spec 1911s that go 1200 rounds with no FTF/FTE, but then I turn around and here that they FTF once a mag.. who knows).


New member
maybe I'm just having that "buyer's remorse" crap...
The only way out is to buy them all. :)

I'm not familiar with the Ruger model you chose, but I own several Rugers. They make fine guns, and I can attest from personal experience that they stand behind their products. So forget the remorse, and enjoy the gun you chose.


New member
Assuming you like the DA trigger pull, it looks like you made the best choice for you, with the Ruger.

Don't know why the XD was "too much" for you, but it likely was more expensive, and XDs have not yet, to my mind, established the reputation for reliability and durability that Ruger P series have. Also Ruger service is excellent, if you ever need it, despite not having a written warranty.

The Witness, to my knowledge, has never established any reputation for consistent quality.

And comparing a .357 to a .45 is kind of apples-to-oranges; you went with your gut instinct, which is fine.


Rugers are tanks. They will last you forever, only downside is size making it hard to conceil. I would not hesitate to get one again.


New member
I love my Ruger P-94. I agree about describing it as a tank. that was literally the first word in my mind when I got it in hand. Then it really became the most accurate way for me to describe it after stripping it for cleaning. I really liked the pistol after shooting a few hundred rounds. I didn't become enamored with it until i cleaned it and was able to see that it is built like a tank.


New member
The Ruger P97 is one of the finest 45ACP's out there. I own numerous pistols to choose for primary carry; Ruger P345, Colt 1911A1, Ruger P95, Bersa Thunder and S&W MP to name a few. I carry my P97DC because it meets all my requirements such as reliable, accurate, easy to carry, DA/SA, smooth trigger and rugged. I my opinion you made the best choice. There have been many positive articles written on the P97, it's too bad Ruger replaced it with the politically correct P345.


New member
You made a very good choice. Especially by getting the de-cocker only model.

Rugers are built like tanks. Heavy, plug ugly but very strong and reliable.

I personally prefer the SIG line of handguns, but if money is an issue, the Ruger is half the price of a SIG and just about as reliable.

chris in va

New member
If you beat yourself up asking questions on boards like this, you'll never be happy with whatever firearm you currently have. Everyone will *always* tell you to get something else.

My advice, shoot it for a while and if you like it, enjoy! It's supposedly a very durable piece.


New member
It is definitely not the choice I would have made, but Im not you. If you like the gun, then you made the right choice.

Me? I would have been all over the XD.


New member
Did someone already mention that P-series Rugers are built like tanks? :D As I sit typing this I've got a P-90 in an IWB holster and a P-89 in the safe. You want reliability and you got it. Enjoy.


New member
It's yours so it has to be the right choice

I really like decock da/sa simi-autos and have 4 Rugers in that type.


New member

Awesome. Thanks guys. I don't know if I'm co-dependent when it comes to these things or what, but your positivity has definitely eased my concerns a little. Take care!