Did Browning ever tinker outside the firearms industry?


New member
I realize JMB invented just about every kind of weapon known to man ;)... but did he also try his hand at other machine work of the era? You know, typewriters, sewing machines, early automobiles, that kind of thing? Was he a daVinci/Edison type, with a finger in every pot? Or just firearms?


like that's not enough.. *heh*


New member
I thought he started in his daddy's gunsmith shop... no?


(still waiting to hear TooFresh Skunky's rendition of "ya down wit JMB" hit the charts....)


New member
Like his father Jonathan, John was very good at many things. He learned at a very early age to run a tannery, repair sewing machines (and sew), cobble shoes and boots. Fix nearly anything that another could break or wear out. Often improving the design and function in the process.

It seems tho that all his "inventions" were firearms related.

A puzzlement to me is his appearant lack of interest in revolvers other than repairing them for customers. His father included revolvers in his list of things manufactured.

John Moses was a good hunter, fisherman, marksman, father, husband and gunmaker. Seems that firearms and family were the major things for him. With rifle or shotgun he could make a buck by outshooting most.



New member
Waffle iron

Little known fact, JMB created the waffle iron ! My aunt once attended a "waffle off" in Utah. She brought back a huge recipe/history book on waffles as a gift for my Mom. In the book there is a section on the waffle iron and lo and behold, there's a pic of John moses Browning ! Turns out his wife was half Belgian, she lamented not having the large, steam powered waffle press of her youth. JMB being the tinker that he was, somehow cobbled together two heated bed pans into what was to be known as the first electric waffle iron ! Amazing, his only invention outside of the firearms industry and he made one just to please his wife. The invention was later sold, refined and copywritten without a dime going back to the Browning family.

-A"Cliff Claven"TeaM


New member
I vaugly remember a story about JMB saying he was considering going into the farming impliment business. Something about being ready for a change.
He was advised that he should continue in the firearms trade and if he could just find a way for Europeans to more effiently slaughter each other, he could become rich.
The rest as they say, is history. :D