Did anyone else see this about a ban?


New member

Santana High School Shooting Latest Proof of Need For Handgun Ban

WASHINGTON—Today's handgun shooting at the Santana High School in Santee, California, is the latest incident starkly illustrating the need for a ban on the most deadly category of firearms—the easily concealable handgun—the Violence Policy Center (VPC) stated today. The VPC is a national organization working to reduce gun death and injury in America.

The Santana High School shooting follows last month's shootings, outside the White House and at a Navistar engine assembly plant in Melrose Park, Illinois. Earlier this year caches of weapons held by college and high school students planning copycat shootings similar to the 1999 Columbine massacre were found by law enforcement officials in California and Kansas. In 1998, there were 2,887 children and young adults, aged 18 and under, killed by firearms in the US.

Josh Sugarmann, executive director of the Violence Policy Center and author of the new book Every Handgun is Aimed at You: The Case for Banning Handguns (The New Press/March 2001) states, "The single bloody thread that runs through these incidents is the easy accessability we allow our citizens to the most lethal categories of firearms, such as handguns. After these shootings a predictable pattern emerges, we quickly look for a loophole to be plugged, a limited law that could be better enforced, or other `common sense' solutions, while never stepping back to look at the big picture: the freeflow of guns in our nation. America's gun violence problem will not be solved by licensing and registration, trigger locks, or lamentations over the evil in men's hearts. These tragic shootings are America's future until we eliminate handguns, the tools that make such violence possible."

Boy, this guy must be really stupid.


Staff Emeritus
Usually they are quite clever at concealing their goals. Frustration may be making them more transparent. Good deal!! :D Let's keep up the pressure!


New member
Here's the ban - but why stop?

1. Every handgun confiscated
2. No depications of violence of any form or sexuality
of any form in the media. They are causal to the
violence also.
3. All members of the VPC and HCI will have to move to
neighbors with the worst crime stats in their state.
4. All members of the VPC and HCI will make themselves
available on 24/7 call to be unarmed bodyguards for
whomever wants one.
5. Any sexual contact outside of marriage or a committed
partnership by a government official shall be grounds
for execution.


New member
I wonder if this extreme opinion is something we are going to see more and more of. Now that we have a congress and presidency which will make it more difficult (note: I did not say impossible) to pass new gun laws, will the liberals start calling for an outright ban, knowing it can never be? I think they may start doing this to get folks used to the idea that another "solution" is out there and is being ignored. Then when their politicians get back into power - wham - let's try the "other solution" yours wasn't working! People will be used to hearing aobut a total gun ban and think: "Gee that doesn't sound so unreasonable...."


"Boy, this guy must be really stupid."

No, he's evil, dishonest, highly devious and an accomplished liar who uses junk science and phony statistics to push his handgun ban [as if they'd stop there].

He's responsible for the phrase "assault weapon" and its current daffynishuns which equate all sorts of semi-auto firearms with full-auto capable ones.

It was his strategy that was dumped upon us Americans in the late '80s when he was with HCI.

On a positive note, I do consider it a sign of desperation that he is so open about the hoplophobes' true goal.