did anybody watch 60 minutes last night?


New member
I had to watch because I have direct tv and the description had "home invasion" on it (I actually enjoy being :mad: sometimes) Well anyway seems as if the attoney general of South Carolina has issued a mandate that nobody defending their home against home invasion in the state will be prosecuted for any crime should said home invader be killed. Doesn't even matter if you shoot them in the back :) .

Well true to CBS anti fashion they were APPALED :rolleyes: . Now here is the somewhat funny part I would have expected a truly bad example of this thing going bad wrong something like sombody killed a spouse and tried to cover up a REAL premeditated murder with this self defense thing, but the only example they could give was where a woman stabed her (according to 60 minutes) lover ONCE in the chest with a fillet knife. Guy goes to car and dies.

Here is the senario: the highlights of the story are guy is in her apartment he gets mad for whatever reason, guy has history of getting ruff with girl, she tells him to leave, shuts door behind him and locks it, he kicks in door, she grabs knife tells him to leave or else, well or else happens she stabs him ONCE, guy dies. That simple, or at least thats how they protrayed it. Anyhoo 60 minutes makes a big deal out of it like how can the DA not prosecute this rabbid killing machine woman.

To end this story I have decided to sit down tonight and write 60 minutes a well thought out letter protesting their potrayal of this story. They at least USED to read response letters on the show sometimes although I very seriously doubt mine would be one chosen I am still going to give it a shot. If anybody knows the address to 60 minutes and would like to post it on this thread I would appreciate any help from others in the form of letters protesting 60 minutes and CBS's bias towards guns and self defense.


New member
NSWgru1: what I didn't understand out of that was the fact that they stated he had kicked the door off the hinges and attacked her. (He was boffing her behind his wife's back). Anyways, There was no other mention of that being verified as far as I recall. That seems to be a very easy question to answer and one that I would infer the AG answered by not pressing charges against the home-wrecker. Did he or did he not attack her?? Facts suggest he did. The story infers that he did not.

60 minutes conveniently "left this out".


New member
I won't give 60 minutes the time of day. Back in the early 90's they did a story on my employer. He refused to talk to the reporter. 90% of what they said on the story was plain BS. For example they claimed he was driving around in a brand new 40,000 Lincoln Towncar. Made it sound like he had gobs of money. Heck as his accountant I wrote the check for that car. It was a used hertz rental he paid $7,800 for. After seeing this story, I always tell everyone that if they believe anything on 60 minutes they are a fool.


New member
Oatka sorry to say but thats the link for the Australian 60 Minutes program.

And unfortunately the Australian 60 Minutes "journalists" are just as pathetically socialist as their American counterparts.

The ninemsn refers to the one commercial channel here ( channel 9 ), and their website is hosted in conjunction with Microsoft.

If I recall correctly the moderator of their discussion forum checks all messages posted for any content that breaches their guidelines.
I.E. if you post the truth, don't be surprised if it never makes it onto the website.....they have to "tow the party line" of course :rolleyes: