diamond back 380 ccw


New member
i just bought a diamond back 380 for concealed carry, does anyone else have one of these where they could steer me in the right direction on what 380 ammo is good and bad for the db380.


New member
I had one and a DB9. Didn't hang around very long. The 9 outlasted the 380, by a few months,however. I don't remember specifics, but I remember they were ammo snobs. Couldn't feed them just anything.
Good luck and I hope you have better luck with yours. :)


New member
i like the gun i just want to know what ammo other people have had success with as far as defensive loads i havent bought any defensive loads for it. i just was hoping to avoid buying the wrong ammo


New member
so far no problems with blazer fmj ill test some hollow points at a later date.

i like my diamondback 380 and have had 0 problems with it

Old Stony

New member
Stick with the fmj and you'll have fewer problems with it, and it will be the most effective. 380 holowpoints can be iffy to say the least and a Diamondback can be iffy also in feeding them. FMJ feeds better and penetrates better.


New member
The Diamondback that I had would eat anything...as long as it was ball, never a problem with that. I gave it to a buddy who still feeds it ball.