Detaching cases from moonclips


New member
Are there any tricks to detaching spent cases from moonclips??? Is it easier with plastic clips than metal ones??? I ordered a new SW 625JM that I'm quite excited about but I've heard some horror stories regarding moonclips.


New member
I saw a guy with a homemade tool that worked real well! It was a piece if copper pipe that just fit around the case. The pipe was cut half way down about a 1/4 inch and one side removed. All he did was put the pipe over the case and turn the pipe and the case just poped off. The copper pipe was about 10 inches long and plugged at the other end. The cool thing about this tool was that all the cases went into the pipe. he just turned the pipe down into a empty box and all the brass dropped in the box. :)

I'm sure this is something you could make real easy.


New member

Dillon Reloading has a tool called the "Demooner" in their new blue press. They also sell the polymer clips.

Brian Williams

New member
plugged at the other end. The cool thing about this tool was that all the cases went into the pipe. he just turned the pipe down into a empty box and all the brass dropped in the box

I do not plug the end of mine I just hold it over my box and the empty cases just slide down the tube and into the box.


New member
I cast my vote, based on fairly extensive personal experience, with RWK and his recommendation of the RIMZ product. Inexpensive; durable; easy to use without the necessity of any tools... it is the moon clip for the 21st century. I think you will much prefer the RIMZ moon clip to any metal clip on the market, and you will no longer be concerned for "demooners" or other devices for installing or removing the cartridges.

A third vote for RIMZ.

When they were first announced I was very skeptical about them. Then I tried them, and now I don't think I'll ever go back to metal ones.


New member

Thanks for the input everyone. My new SW 625JM came in and I picked up some of the Rimz polymer moonclips and I love them - especially compared to the included metal clips. BTW, the gun shoots great!


New member

And when the budget allows, pick up a 325 (Scandium .45 acp revolver), and I predict you will like it at least as well!

Good shooting.



New member
Rimz clips are very nice at the range in that they are very easy to load/unload. However, they don't hold the ammunition quite as securely as I'd like for any kind of tactical shooting. Just something to consider.


New member
"Rimz clips are very nice at the range in that they are very easy to load/unload. However, they don't hold the ammunition quite as securely as I'd like for any kind of tactical shooting. Just something to consider."

I believe RIMZ moonclips have been improved over the last year to address this very issue. Further, I have tested mine (10mm for a Smith 610-3) by dropping them on concrete from various heights up to over five feet. I never lost a single round nor did any misalignment result. And, unlike metallic moonclips, they cannot be bent and instantaneously restore to required shape, which could be important in very close-quarters situations (perhaps you should consider that).