detachable magazine or built in

So very soon ill be starting a Remington 700 build. I found a completely bare action no bolt, no trigger, no bottom metal so my options are completely open as to what to get for this rifle. I have been looking at various 700 parts online and see that several companies are making bottom metal kits with a detachable mag. Now this seems kinda cool as then i could just carry an extra one while hunting. This rifle is going to be a hunting rifle with some varmint use probably in 6.5x55. I would love to hear opinions on the two styles of mags. Is there any out there that you could load with them in the gun??


New member
Personal preference really, but If I were building from scratch I'd prefer a blind magazine on a hunting rifle. Cheaper, lighter and less to go wrong. In theory anyway they should be a bit more accurate since you can keep the stock stiffer without the cutout for the floorplate or mags. The detachable mags I've seen for bolt guns are quite expensive to replace and I'd have to have at least two in case I lost one.


New member
That depends on what kind of build you're doing, and how you want to set up your rifle. Short answer, it's your personal choice.

I've got several blind magazine rifles and think they're wonderful for hunting. They're simple and the blind magazine is one less thing to go wrong. Some folks like detachable magazines and I'm seeing more and more bolt rifles going to detachable mags. It's the fashion du jour, and there's nothing wrong with that. Cooper specified a detachable magazine on his wish list for a Scout rifle. I also notice that detachable magazines are fashionable on the type rifle they're calling a "tactical" rifle today.

Personally, I've always considered a hinged floorplate to be very elegant and very practical. The hinged floorplate sure makes it easy to unload a rifle after a long day hunting.

But, the short answer is; your choice. Enjoy your build and let us know how it turns out.


New member
The only advantage I have seen to a detachable magazine is it makes it easier and faster to load and unload, but not by much. This has never been an issue in any hunting situation I have ever been in. I prefer a hinged floorplate.
Yea I'm not sure which I prefer. I've never really used a detachable mag but I've bee. Around the blrs and they seem to work great with the detachable mag. It will at very least get a hinged floor plate in case I need to empty the gun. However a mag would hold the shells together rather than having them loose.


New member
Personal Preference but,

I have a T/C Venture which has a detachable magazine and a Weatherby Vanguary with a hinged floor plate. I like them both pretty equally.

But hey, it is your build and will be your gun so do what you like best. Between the 2 variations I own, there isn't any big advantage or disadvantage (for a hunting rifle) that I see.


New member
My preference is a blind magazine. Simple, nothing to get caught on some brush and dump your rounds, nothing to lose, bottom of the rifle is nice an clean and easy on the hand for carry ect Also when unloading (at least on my savage 111) you do not need to chamber every round to unload you can just push the bolt forward enough to pop out the round from the mag, then pull the bolt all the way back, tip the rifle and the round falls right out.

The choice is very personal, choose what's best for YOU forget what everyone ELSE likes!....


New member
For a strictly hunting rifle

I would say if you will use it for hunting (and the target practice tha accompanies) I would go with the hinged floor plate. Much less things to go wrong out in the woods.


New member
I hunt with both blind and detachable. Nothing worse than walking two miles back to the truck searching for a magazine that fell out of your rifle. As the snow starts to fall on the trail you are walking on.:(

My vote would be for a hinged floorplate.
right now im leaning toward the floor plate. i hadn't really thought about loosing the mag or other problems. And come to think of it i have never had a hinged floorplate set up jam or fail to feed. Where as i have had mags jam in other guns like my pistols and my dads mini 14.


New member
I'd go the no bottom metal route if the rifle is going to wear a synthetic stock. I like a floorplate in wood stocks, just my personal prefrence. You said you found an action but is it a short or long action? I wouldn't do a 6.5X55 on a short action Remington.

Look at PT&G for your M700 parts. I'd probably go with Timney for a trigger. If your action is a short and you want to run the 6.5X55 in it look for a Wyatt's magazine box to help you fit that cartride in a short action.
its a long action. I think im going with a timney trigger. i want to use the gun for everything from prairie dogs to elk so i think the 6.5 will be nicely versatile. I will be using a wood stock. Its a blued action and wood stocks just look nicer.


New member
I like the blind myself... but I dont mind the hinged also... Just dont like the removeable mags... a buddy a mine lost his from his rifle once..and I have never wanted one since then. I think it would be too easy for the mag to be released and possibly lose it.


New member
A have a A bolt that detaches after the drop plate is open, X Bolt with pop in clip no plate, 700 ADL with no plate at all just load from top, and a CDL with floorplate and no clip. The CDL is now glued shut, worst invention ever to put a drop plate with no clip at all. Just total junk, heck bolt to hard and it kicks shells everywhere. Either do no plate or put a clip in because just a drop box is junk


New member
I will never purchase a centerfire rifle with a blind floorplate. Why? Because if it ever jams, I'm basically screwed. With a hinged floorplate, in the event of a jam or malfunction I can easily remove all of the cartridges in the magazine and have top and bottom access to the bolt, giving me a better chance of clearing the jam.

As far as stock stiffness/strength is concerned, perhaps that's an issue with synthetic stocks with no stiffeners, but it should never be an issue with a quality hardwood stock. Look at all the DG bolt guns. How often do you see a blind floorplate on them?


New member
do you hand load? If you hand load, and have a detachable magazine, bullet seating depth becomes an issue, especially if you seat your bullets just off the rifle lands, they may be too long for a detachable magaxine


New member
if the gun if for hunting i would go with the blind mag or "preffered" hinged door, if you do go DBM go with quality such as badger
Well from what you guys have pointed out I think I'll go with the hinged floorplate. I don't want a blind as its a pain to unload completely. I hadn't thought about losing clips or bullet seating depth.