Desperate times: Gore questions Nader's sexuality!! I love this


Moderator Emeritus
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>XXXXX DRUDGE REPORT XXXXX WED NOV 01, 2000 17:01:39 ET XXXXX



Campaign 2000 took an aggressive turn this week after Gore campaign
operatives began questioning Green Party presidential candidate Ralph
Nader’s sex life, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned.

"Look, he’s never been married," one Gore operative whispered to stunned
reporters earlier this week. "Who is going to be sleeping in his bed at
the White House if he’s elected president? I‘m interested. Aren‘t you?"

The whispering campaign comes as Nader, 66, appears to be taking support
away from Democratic hopeful Al Gore in key states.

"This is the last act of a desperate campaign!" a Nader insider said late
Wednesday. "If this does not open the eyes of the American people,
nothing will. These people will do anything to keep power."

A senior Gore official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, blasted
the whispering campaign. "If anyone is caught doing this, they will be
fired immediately!" the official told the DRUDGE REPORT from Tennessee.
"Who’s ever doing this should knock it off -- and knock it off now!"

The SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE advanced questions about Nader’s private life
after California state Assemblywoman Carole Migden raised the issue in an

"Of course, I don't necessarily have that information, and I certainly
don't want to say anything libelous or unreasonable," Migden said in an
interview with CALIFORNIA TRIANGLE magazine. "All I'm saying is that we
believe he has strong ties to the community -- and has for years -- and
hasn't been forthright about it."

Nader told the CHRONICLE that he was appalled that an elected official
like Migden would even bring up the subject.

"I've spoken out on gay and lesbian issues way in advance of Al Gore," he
said, adding that -- unlike his Democratic opponent -- he supports both
civil marriages and eliminating the "don't ask, don't tell" policy for
gays in the military. "But the answer to her inference is no."

Developing... [/quote]

The depths of Gore hypocrasy knows no limits!!

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!

Ed Brunner

New member
Speaking of Al Gore and sexuality...So much has been said about "the kiss". My wife observes that he really didn't appear to know what he was doing.

You have to be there when it's all over. Otherwise you can't say "I told you so."

Better days to be,



New member
This cannot be true!!!

Ok you're in a party that supports Gay Rights. In fact it's a plank in your platform.
You're losing Votes to another party that is siphoning off votes because they are FARTHER LEFT then you are. They're your extreme flank.

SO you start a campaign that if it had any effect would target your centrists, that aren't voting the extreme side anyway, but tick off even MORE of your BASE that your loseing already!

Either 1) The Gore campaign is going down in flames.
or 2) This is a great attempt to futher the disention between the Dems and Greens.

I don't care I LOVE IT BABY!!!! :D


New member
"Speaking of Al Gore and sexuality...So much has been said about "the kiss". My wife observes that he really didn't appear to know what he was doing. "

My wife had the same response; he looked like he was trying to get the last dab of peanut-butter out of the bottom of the jar with his tongue...


New member
Well, well.

Such mean spirited attacks by the "party of kindness and love".

Looks like Gore is back in "smear Bill Bradley mode". Only it's Nader this time.

Speaking of "the kiss" I think that was such a disgusting ploy. I mean, everyone knows he did it just to try to break his image of the "androgonous boring plasticman". Why would he even try such a gross tactic, and does anyone really but it?
Looking at his campaign, look at some of the highlights that he has used to influence people, such as the kiss, and airbrushing his manhood on the Rolling Stone magazine cover etc. What kind of campaign is he running? I think the guy is a freaking sicko, and I mean that sincerely.

As for his accusations of homosexuality...what is he trying to say? Is he trying to say that Nader may be gay, and that would be a BAD thing? If a Repub so much as hinted at such a thing, it would be splashed all over the news as a homophobic remark.
What is Gore trying to say, that if Nader is gay that is a mark against him? Seems to me that comments like that could only serve to alienate the gay vote, that Gore shold be relying on.


New member
Sex and the candidates:

Bush: Sex is for the production of more potential Bush candidates. That is all.

Nader: Sex? Hey sex is dangerous bub! Don't even think about doing it without letting me make it safer first!

Gore: I will have sex with anything in public and spin it into a tender moment to be revered by soccer mom's in order to get elected because if I don't I will evaporate.

simon jester

New member
just curious,does anyone have a link to the rolling stone cvr?havn't seen it.

"i do believe that where there is a choice between cowardice and violence,I would advise violence" Ghandi


New member
simon - just use your imagination...Al did. :) Love your Ghandi quote BTW.

Gorthaur - Your sig line is cool. I suggest 1911: the answer when God's line is busy. Carry on.