"Desert Eagle 1, Crazy Raccoon 0,"


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Iowa Lawmaker Tells PETA Not to Have a Cow Over Raccoon Kill


Rep. Steve King didn't back down from a home-invading raccoon and now he's not backing down from People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, which blasted the Iowa Republican for tweeting about fatally shooting the animal.

On Tuesday, the animal welfare group challenged the Iowa Republican to "pick on someone your own size, not a small animal seeking warmth in a blizzard."

"It doesn't give you comfort in your representatives when a member of Congress finds it amusing to boast of shooting a desperately cold animal who is 100 times smaller than he is and whose only misstep was trying to get into a large, warm house," Jaime Zalac, a PETA spokeswoman, said a written statement provided to FoxNews.com.

"I hope he's not on any committees that made decisions regarding cruel and unusual punishment," Zalac added. "Decent people would call animal control for help, not get on Twitter to boast about having a really, really big gun."

Last week, King tweeted that a "Crazy Raccoon chewing & clawing his way into my house" didn't make it out alive.

"Desert Eagle 1, Crazy Raccoon 0," King wrote, revealing the pistol he used to kill the raccoon.

Roll Call newspaper reported that King said he felt he needed to kill the critter because he believed it was rabid and could potentially hurt his family. He also told the newspaper that he appreciates wildlife, saying that he often sees deer, rabbits, squirrels and other animals on his property.

King told Fox News on Tuesday that he'd offer PETA more hospitality than the animal.

"That crazy coon ran up against 'a man's home is his castle' and this man's castle won. But if it had been PETA volunteers outside in the middle of a blizzard, I'd like to think they would have rang the doorbell, instead of trying to claw into the house. And I would have given them shelter for the night and served them bacon and eggs the next morning," he said in a statement.

In a radio interview today, King revealed the Desert Eagle was a 9mm. Here's a podcast in the Congressman's own words...
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New member
Racoons are mean little buggers, sharp teeth, claws, short temper when cornered. Not to mention the plethora of diseases that they can be carrying. I know it was in Iowa but this story would be entirely different if it was a bear, mountain lion or other big scary beast.

I linked this pic because of language, if the S word offends you don't look at it. It pretty much sums up my respect for PETA.


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New member
Should have a coon skin cap made (Davey Crocket style) and wear it on capital hill.....that would give PETA something to talk about.



New member
A few years back in this county a racoon climbed down the chimney and attacked a woman - it had rabies !! I once killed a rabid racoon here .It's not something you should take chances with.


Active member
Racoons are pests. They are mean. I saw the face of a pitbull that got into a fight with a racoon. Pitbull's face was bloody and one of his eyes was gouged out.

If I ever have an "encounter" with a Racoon, maybe I'll just capture it, and call PETA to come get it. In fact, I'm thinking that every time I have a problem with a wild dog, aggressive peacocks, racoons or other cute furry creatures, I'm going to give them a call and give them an opportunity to "save the animal" before I kill it. Maybe I can win $10,000 on American's Funniest Home Videos if I get a video of Mr. PETA getting his eye gouged out by an angry racoon:D


New member
Capture it....and drop it off at the nearest PETA HQ so that they can give it all the loving attention they claim to want to foster on critters.


Active member
Capture it....and drop it off at the nearest PETA HQ so that they can give it all the loving attention they claim to want to foster on critters.

Not a bad idea - I think everyone should do this!


New member
"Decent people would call animal control for help, not get on Twitter to boast about having a really, really big gun."
Decent people handle their own small pest problems, not use tax payer dollars calling animal control...just because they're too scared to get their hands dirty...whimps.:rolleyes:


New member
maybe those peta people should try and crawl into a raccoons home and see if the raccoon is happy about uninvited visitors .