Derringer brought aboard plane


New member
I was listening to the news on the car radio and heard that some fella accidentally brought a loaded derringer on board a plane in his carry on. When the passenger remembered he had brought it he notified the flight attendant. The flight attendant took it and turned it over to the captain of the plane. Honestly, if it were not so serious I would be laughing at this blatant lack of security. I am beginning to think most of the people at the FAA can't find their A** with two hands.

Hire sky marshalls.
Put in steel doors at the cockpit.


Does anyone in the government know how to do anything. I mean the more I read and see......

I am expecting a monentous cluster #&@$ any day now!
Truly unbelieveable stuff!



New member
This points out how most gun owners are very honest and because of that think that good intentions and being proponents of law enforcement is enough to keep them labeled as "good guys".

This guy was SO lame! He should have just said a big ooops and forgot about it. No harm, no foul.
I'm really glad he lucked out on no one pressing charges.


New member
I would have just shut my mouth. Ya got past all the security checkpoints and you are not subjected to a search upon leaving the airport, unless you are going to a foreign country and have to check with why would ya tell anyone?

He is lucky that he isn't looking at some federal time for his " honesty". Honesty may be nice, but I wouldnt' expect everyone to be so lenient when you violated a law. Ignorance or "forgetfullness " is not a valid excuse. Its' kinda hard to forget you packed a weapon in your carry on bags. Gez..gimme a break. Perhaps he was trying to prove a point?

It would be helpful if we had a news link to this..anyone have it?

Good SHooting


Member In Memoriam
I'd sure like to see a news link as well.

Betcha he'll get charged big-time (see a L&P thread about a guy who gets pegged for having a firearm in his trunk at the airport drive-up). & wasn't there an "incident" a few months back with a big to-do when a handgun was found in an AC bathroon? Pilot diverted plane to nearest airport/emergency landing, etc.

Lame is right. If you "forget" that you're chewing gum in class, swallow it - don't tell the teacher.

On the phone with someone now who says he won't be charged because he "did the right thing." :rolleyes:


Member In Memoriam
What's the diff? One you blame on people, the other on equipment.

Maybe another potential boarder had two nail files which diverted the "guards" from their appointed duties - all the flashing red lights, ya know.

Security's a joke - always has been, always will be.

Sorry, waxing extremely cynical this evening .....

David Scott

New member
I hope this guy doesn't get reamed by teh system for telling the truth.

OTOH, I hope the security folks at his place of embarkation get a rocket up their trousers for their laxity. If they're hired to do a job, darn it, they ought to DO it!

Mad Man

New member
I'd sure like to see a news link as well.

Today's Wall Street Journal web site:

Clipper Class
A pair of nail scissors and a one-way ticket to airport-security hell.

Thursday, October 25, 2001 12:01 a.m. EDT
It all gets even more confusing when you come across reports such as the Associated Press story that a man in New Orleans boarded a plane Tuesday with a loaded gun in his briefcase, an object the gate guards apparently missed, and the man himself says he forgot about until after takeoff--at which point he turned the gun over to a flight attendant. Upon arrival, he was interrogated and released by the FBI. Maybe they would have caught up with him sooner if he'd had a pair of nail scissors.

Mad Man

New member
Channel 6 news in Portland(?)

note: This web page also has a video clip of this news story.

Man Boards Plane With Loaded Gun
Airport Security Failed To Detect Weapon In Briefcase

Posted: 8:35 a.m. EDT October 24, 2001
Updated: 3:35 p.m. EDT October 24, 2001

KENNER, La. -- A man with a loaded weapon in his carry-on bag passed through security and boarded a Southwest Airlines flight at Louis Armstrong International Airport Tuesday.

The man was headed to San Diego, and was able to get past the magnetometers at a security checkpoint with a loaded gun in his briefcase.

The man said that he didn't realize that he had the gun on him until midway through the flight, at which point he notified a flight attendant about the situation.

"It is my understanding that the Southwest employee worked with the pilot and that the gun was secured before landing in Phoenix," Phoenix International Airport spokesperson Suzanne Luber said.

The man was interviewed by Phoenix police and the FBI. So far, he has not been charged with any crime. But it raises a bigger question: how secure are airport security checkpoints?

"Airports unfortunately have a very limited responsibility as far as the security checkpoint (is concerned)," Luber said. "It is really the airline's responsibility. But both airlines and airport want to be very serious about security measures and it seems unfortunate that anything got through."

Although no criminal charges have been filed, the man still could face civil penalties and fines by the FAA for bringing a weapon on board a plane, whether he knew about it or not.

Ever since flights resumed after the Sept. 11 attacks many airlines, including Southwest, began conducting random searches of baggage.

The baggage is searched by the airline and the carry-ons are searched by airport security.

The security is usually a private company hired by the airline. In New Orleans, security is provided by a company called International Total Services.

Copyright 2001 by


New member
armed passenger

i think we are paying a lot of attention to what is going on on the plane and forgetting about a bad guy with a stinger missle on the ground near an airport. swabjocky