Deputy DC Mayor gets MUGGED!


New member

A top deputy to D.C. Mayor Adrian M. Fenty was robbed at gunpoint by two assailants last night while walking home in the Takoma neighborhood of the District, administration officials confirmed today.

Victor A. Reinoso, the deputy mayor for education, was walking in the 6800 block of 5th Street at about 7:25 p.m. when he was approached by the two men, according to a police account. One brandished a handgun and Reinoso was robbed of his briefcase, cellphone and wallet, the report said.

Reinoso was uninjured and his briefcase was later recovered, a mayoral spokeswoman said today. The two assailants had not been found as of last night.

Reinoso heads a staff of about a dozen in the city's Department of Education and is among the key figures in the mayor's takeover of the 55,000-student school system. He helped recruit and hire Fenty's nominee for school chancellor, Michelle A. Rhee. Reinoso's confirmation hearing before the D.C. Council is scheduled for tomorrow.

This morning, Reinoso was dealing with the fallout of the robbery. He arrived at the D.C. government building and was stopped by a security guard.

"Sir, I need to see some ID," the guard said.

"I don't have any identification," Reinoso replied. "I was held up at gunpoint last night."

The guard was unimpressed and waited for Reinoso to produce identification.

"I'm the deputy mayor," Reinoso pleaded. Then he pointed to a Washington Post reporter standing nearby and said: "She can vouch for me."

"Can you vouch for him?" the security guard asked.

"Yes," the reporter said, at which point Reinoso was able to enter the building.

Maybe NOW they will allow CC permits in DC. :cool:


New member
No worries for the politicians in DC. Wait for "the problem is guns that are sold in other states" argument.

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
I think this argues against the needs for guns in DC as the situation could have been handled by the Deputy Mayor just having a duplicate set of ID in his home.

Yep, that is what I think! :p


New member
Reinoso is lying about getting mugged. D.C. has no crime problem because handguns have not legally been sold there since 1976. This could not have happened according to numerous authoritative sources such as the VPC, Brady Campaign, IANSA, et al. :rolleyes:


New member
Good for him. Too bad the reporter vouched for him. BTW, is it normal for a reporter to be able to vouch for a govt official to get into a "secure" area in D.C.? Seems kind of odd to me. If I were the guard my answer would have been "Good I guess you can get into her news organization." But I'm an a-hole.:D


New member
No, I'm still waiting for the double standard scandal to break out.

The VP of PETA gets insulin shots. Insulin was developed via dog testing.

William Jefferson owned a bunch of guns. He voted against gun rights.

Feinstein has a CCW permit. IN CALIFORNIA!

How many DC officials own guns? 75% is my guess. Taking bets....


New member
We all know that this did not happen . After all as many here have mentioned handguns are against the law therefore the guy DID NOT have a handgun . Now for the solution . If they are so worried about a Deputy Mayor being robbed at gunpoint they need only to ban Deputy Mayors . This way even if a Deputy Mayor was robbed at gunpoint (which cannot happen) he could not have been robbed at gunpoint because Deputy Mayors do not exist . This might sound stupid BUT it will be a lot easier for DC to come up with this than to admit what really happened .


No, I'm still waiting for the double standard scandal to break out.

The VP of PETA gets insulin shots. Insulin was developed via dog testing.

William Jefferson owned a bunch of guns. He voted against gun rights.

Feinstein has a CCW permit. IN CALIFORNIA!

How many DC officials own guns? 75% is my guess. Taking bets....

Any of you guys remeber when notorious anti gun columnist Carl Rowan shot a guy trespassing in his swimming pool with an unregistered handgun in DC :)



Here, for the chronologically challenged among you, I give you Wikpedia on ol Carl himself (who usually made me puke way back when with his leftist pap, at least I read AND understood Marx and Lenin as opposed to just being a fellow traveler):

"Rowan gained public notoriety on June 14, 1988, when he shot a teenage tresspasser, Neil Smith, who was taking a dip in Rowan's swimming pool in Washington, D.C.. Rowan used an unregistered .22 LR pistol. Critics charged hypocrisy, since Rowan was a strict gun control advocate. In a 1981 column, he advocated " a law that says anyone found in possession of a handgun except a legitimate officer of the law goes to jail -- period." In 1985, he called for "A complete and universal federal ban on the sale, manufacture, importation and possession of handguns (except for authorized police and military personnel)." [2] [3]

Immediately after the shooting, Rowan offered several conflicting accounts about where he got the handgun. He first said that he had purchased the gun himself in response to threats on his life (which he later claimed had been made by the Ku Klux Klan). He also initially claimed that the gun had been properly registered. However, when District of Columbia police disclosed that the gun had not been registered, Rowan changed his story, claiming that the gun belonged to his son, who "was an FBI agent and did not have to register it [because it was] properly registered federally." Police officials pointed out that under D.C. law, all guns must be registered locally; failure to do so was punishable by up to a year in prison and a $1,000 fine.

Rowan was tried but the jury was deadlocked, the judge declared a mistrial and he was never retried. In his autobiography, Rowan said he still favors gun control, but admits being vulnerable to a charge of hypocrisy [4]."



New member
What is it about being inside-the-Beltway?

I don't know why the mayor's aide was even in Takoma when he could have been across the D.C. line in Takoma Park Maryland where it's much safer. After all, Takoma Park has been a Nuclear Free Zone since 1983. How safe it that?



The shame of a Nation

How shameful that a citizen cannot walk the streets of Washington after dark, even in daylight in certain areas. If citizens could carry firearms in that locale and destroy the lawless cretins praying on the lawabiding it would be a move in the positive direction but a mass forced move from Washington of the
lawless element and a "gated entrance" to that City might be in order.

After all, DC is the Capitol, if you are not safe there, where the hell are you safe?


Statistically, we're pretty safe here in Northern Georgia. :D

For most of my life, I lived 20 miles from D.C., In Laurel, Md. It had changed from a rural town to something approaching the urban sprawl surrounding L.A. The demographics had also changed dramatically, with the usual upswing in violent crime, drugs, and property crimes. Worse, the same thing was headed South, from Baltimore. Baltimore is a larger city, but with many of the same demographics as D.C. It also lacks the huge portion of Federally patrolled property that D.C. has. While it's population chafes under the legacy of Paris Glendening's anti-gun policies, their violent crime rate is lower than D.C., with a smaller police force. It appears that the anti-gun groups have "missed" the comparison with the closest large city.:rolleyes:

Dave R

New member
Sad story.

Well illustrates the double standard in many politicians behaviors vs. their policies.

The really sad part is, for many gun opponents, that experience would make them MORE anti-gun, rather more pro-self defense. Its the insanity of liberalism.


New member
the legacy of Paris Glendening's anti-gun policies

Oh man, do you remember that one time when he had a press conference about the importance of gun locks?

During the demonstration, we learned that he didn't know how to work a gun lock.

I laughed so hard.