Denny Hansen

Pat Rogers

Member in memoriam
Denny's house burned down yesterday morning. He escaped, dragging his 4 year old grandson through the burning house. Two of his 4 dogs also escaped- two perished in the blaze.
He lost about everything else.
Rich Lucibella has flown out to Az to assist. he won't be answering too may questions re subscriptions for a while.


New member
Ditto what Buzz said.

If there is anything the TFL family can do to help, please let us know.

I have also posted a link at THR since Denny is well known over there as well.


New member
Best to all, that's surely one of the worst events that a fellow could experience. Let us know if we can help.
Thanks much for the notice here.

What we have is an enormous loss, including two dogs, a number of fifth generation firearms, a lifetime of memorabilia, and the entire editorial history and contacts list for SWAT. But Denny averted was an enormous tragedy. He, Chris and Ashley are handling this far better than I would. TFL Rob drove out from Valhalla last night with Evie. Nancy's following me out from FL with a computer.

First orders of business will be to find housing, get his phones back and get him back up to speed on business.

Thanks for all the support. Denny will be back before you know it.

Pat Rogers

Member in memoriam
Copy Rich.
Glad you will be with him.
My heart goes out to him, and i wish him well through what will be a very hard time.
Please call if i can be of any assistance.

Brian Dale

New member
Glad that the people got out. Two dogs lost: that's hard news to read. And all of their stuff; damn.

Thoughts and prayers from here.

added: what HankL said.


New member
I'll be praying.
If there is anything we can do, money, food, whatever, let us know.
On a related note, I've been touched at how tight the TFL and THR families are.


New member
Where in Arizona does he live?
I am not in a position to help financially, but I might be able to drive out and help with the clean up or something!!


Wow, that is bad news :( . I'm thankful that everyone got out and at least two of the critters made it out.

Fire is my worse nightmare.



New member
If there is ANYTHING I can do, I am here for him.
I am off for the next couple days and am only a few hours away.
I only met Denny briefly one time, but that was enough for me to consider Denny to be one of the good guys.


New member

Losing your papers, guns and even memorabilia hurts; losing beloved pets hurts even more. Thank the Lord we do not need to say prayers for you and the other family members. We are all thankful that the you all made it out alive and well. We pray for your beloved pets and for you and your family to recover from your loss.

Ask for what you need. No doubt TFL members will find a way to help.

God Bless!
I won't speak for Denny, but I know him pretty well. He won't take your money. He's insured and he'd insist on making up any shortfalls on his own. What may be needed however is legwork help. Currently there's four of us here and we're handling things pretty well. I am concerned about the guns and chances of salvaging.

I hope to have him up on his new computer tomorrow and he'll post for himself.