Democraps practise voter fraud in Presidential election


New member
Voter fraud, again!

© 2000

Stop the presses! I mean it. Stop the election!

Something is going on in Washington and California that will have a great impact on tomorrow's election -- and it stinks to high heaven.

Let me start by telling you how I found out about it.

A very good friend of mine, who shall remain nameless, has a long-time live-in housekeeper from Guatemala. The housekeeper has a daughter who just turned 18. The immigration status of both mother and daughter has been pending for years. Papers have been filed with the Immigration and Naturalization Service. Hearings have been held. But they are not citizens.

This is very important: The daughter has not registered to vote.

But, a few days ago, the 18-year-old got a very attractively packaged "Dear friend" letter from Bill Clinton, paid for by the California Democratic Party.

Here's what it said (on one side in Spanish and on the other side in English): "While every election is important, the November 7th election will determine our future for the next decade, and beyond. The stakes are high for America's Latino families. And California is the critical battleground.

"That's why I'm writing. We need your help to elect a Democratic Congress.

"Despite our strong economy, many hard-working people still struggle to make ends meet. Quality, affordable health care, a world-class education, aging with dignity, and well-paid jobs are part of the American dream -- rather than an American reality -- for too many people.

"Electing a Democratic Congress is essential for our 'Families First' legislative agenda.

"Congratulations on your decision to register. Registering to vote is a basic responsibility of citizenship that far too many people ignore.

"Now that you are registered ...

"Can I count on you to vote Democratic on November 7th?

"Will you make an extra effort to elect Democrats to Congress -- and to your State Legislature -- by talking to your family, friends and neighbors?
"Remember: Your Vote is Your Voice.

"Su Voz, Es Su Voto. Make your voice heard on Election Day.

"Sincerely, President Bill Clinton"

Clinton letter in English. Click for full size.

Below that letter is a P.S. that explains: "Here is your personal Voter Identification Card. Sign your name, then detach your card. Bring your card with you to your polling place on Election Day. It will help your voting go more smoothly."

Apparently all the recipient needs to do with this Voter Identification Card is sign it to be eligible to vote. Keep in mind, this was sent to a previously unregistered voter.

As my friend points out, only the U.S. government knows her age and pending residency status, and, obviously her Latino background. How did this information wind up in the partisan political hands of the California Democratic Party? And what kind of impact will a mailing like this -- obviously utilizing a government database for political purposes -- have on the California legislative races? How widespread is this fraud?

This is making my head spin. The recipient of this letter happens to live in congressional and state legislative districts that are very hotly contested in Southern California. But this appears to be a statewide mailing from the Democratic Party headquarters in Sacramento.

It's mind-boggling. The fraud is so blatant. Yet, not a peep out of the Republicans. They apparently won't even know what hit them. The polls in recent days show them making big gains in this once-invulnerable Al Gore stronghold state. A mass mailing like this effectively registering tens of thousands of potential Democratic voters days before the election is a secret weapon held back deliberately to avoid detection, scrutiny and publicity. After the election, the party will be happy to pay a fine for any illegalities involved. Clinton will be out of office and untouchable as always. There will be a new regime in at the INS. And it will all be swept under the rug.

And who knows if this technique is not being deployed by other state Democratic Party units? I don't doubt it for a minute.

This is voter fraud, pure and simple. And those responsible include the president of the United States, the Immigration and Naturalization Service, possibly the Census Bureau and certainly the California Democratic Party.

I'm outraged. Are you?


A daily radio broadcast adaptation of Joseph Farah's commentaries can be heard on TalkNetDaily.




1st post-Clinton scandal
by Joseph Farah

Ping-pong in Florida
by Scott Rasmussen

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[This message has been edited by ernest2 (edited November 08, 2000).]


New member


Sent by fax this morning after a request by their
office to send this information in writing to them.

To: President-elect George Walker Bush
Via fax to the Texas Governor's Mansion
(512) 463-1849

From: Angel Shamaya
Executive Director,
A national organization based in Arizona and run by a Texan
(phone withheld for internet publication)

(This letter was faxed to the Governor's Mansion in
Austin, Texas at 12:40pm on November 8th after a
detailed call with Governor Bush's office and a
specific request to lay forth the following allegations
in writing to the Governor.)

Dear Sir,

We have grave reason to believe that a non-violent
coup is being attempted to wrongfully deprive you
of the Presidency. This message is urgent, sir.

I hereby notify you that our organization is unwilling
to concede a Gore Presidency without a complete recount
nationally and an in depth investigation into the two
following deeply troubling revelations, either of which,
when authenticated, offers valid reasons to withhold any
concession of the Presidency of the United States of America.

1) There is valid proof that the Clinton-Gore
administration has bolstered its numbers in at least
the pivotal state of California -- with absentee ballots
cast by illegal aliens who've never been granted
citizenship in our country. If they did it in California,
they could easily have done it in Florida. As Florida also
contains a high number of illegal aliens, and as Florida is
the pivotal state upon which the Presidency rests, we hereby
beseech you to investigate this issue before you ever even
consider conceding the highest office in our nation.

Articles covering this issue are here:

2) The Clinton-Gore administration failed, we are told,
to provide absentee ballots to a number of overseas
military personnel. Considering the continual infractions
of constitutional and civil law and order by this
embarrassingly unAmerican administration, and considering
the great and alarming damage done by this administration
to our beloved nation's military, and considering the
closeness of the Presidential election, and considering the
fact that we believe that Vice President Al Gore's current
marginal lead in the popular vote is bolstered by your not
having gotten those military votes, and considering the
fact that it is the current administration's shortcoming
for not having gotten all military personnel their absentee
ballots, Al Gore is not our President.

Sir, there is enough information relating to the above
allegations as to warrant careful and thorough investigations
by your closest and most trusted allies in high-ranking
overseas military positions. It is safe to say that the
predominance of the military vote would go your way, and
those votes have been, we have reason to believe, wrongfully
withheld from your side of this most crucial ledger.

More information relating to the military absentee ballot
farce is here:

In closing, we have posted our own online vote relating
directly to the above subject matter, and we have sent
out a call to our entire membership and sphere of influence
asking them to show support for your taking the above
investigations into serious and immediate consideration.
(Those votes will be coming in over the next several hours
and can be viewed on our home page at Furthermore, if Gore
attempts to take the Presidency without the above items
being addressed, we will do everything within our power
to create a groundswell of grassroots activity between
every gun rights group we can reach in defiance of his
position as President until the above items are addressed

Mr. Bush, please do not concede the Presidency of our
beloved nation to Al Gore without thorougly investigating
the above. Too much rides on this one, as I trust you know
full well, this administration has the morals and scruples
of an alley cat and is certainly not beyond such low tactics
-- and we are counting on you to defend the liberties we hold
so dear, and most specifically our sacred and
foundational individual right to keep and bear arms.

Respectfully, and most sincerely,

Angel Shamaya
Executive Director
(phone withheld for internet publication)


New member
Democrat Vote Fraud Charged in Florida
Jack Thompson
Tuesday, Nov. 7, 2000's "Man in Miami," Jack Thompson, predicted Monday on that Democrat vote fraud would occur in South Florida. The GOP in Broward County, the largest city of which is Fort Lauderdale, is alleging that voting irregularities are now occurring there.
What follows is a press release in its entirety, received by Thompson from Republican Party of Broward County:

"The Republican Party of Broward County has received a number of complaints from its poll watchers and voters regarding irregularities at the polling places:

"Such irregularities reported include duplicate ballots

"Voters sent away for no apparent reason

"Poll watchers sent away for no apparent reason and a complete lack of cooperation by the poll workers

"Irregular voting practices

"Poll watcher being harassed by the poll workers

"Campaigning being allowed inside the polling area
"Of particular concern are the poll watcher problems. The Republican Party and Republican Candidates, approved by the Supervisor of Elections, nominated these volunteers to deter irregularities and fraud, to safeguard the elector process, and to monitor the behavior of the poll workers.

"The Republican Party of Broward County demands that the election code be adhered to and the law be followed. The Republican Party will take the appropriate action, both civil and criminal, to guarantee a fair and free election. Phone 954-782-0881."

The Gore campaign knows that if it steals the vote in Democrat-laden South Florida, it can steal the electoral votes of Florida, and with them the White House.

Read more on this subject in related Hot Topics:

Presidential Race 2000

Al Gore


New member
Wednesday November 8, 2000

The first post-Clinton scandal

© 2000

The California Democratic Party paid for the mailing of an 11th-hour Bill Clinton campaign letter to unregistered, non-citizen Hispanics urging them to use a bogus "Voter Identification Card" at the polls yesterday, greatly increasing the potential for rampant voter fraud in the nation's richest electoral college state.

I first reported in this column Monday that a young Guatemalan woman legally residing in Los Angeles County who received the "Clinton card" last week turned it over to me. Since she never registered to vote, I wondered out loud how Clinton's California Democrats happened to target her. It struck me -- and those the young woman lives with -- that perhaps the Immigration and Naturalization Service database had been misused for political purposes the way so many other government files have been abused during the Clinton years.

The evidence is mounting that this may, indeed, be evidence of one of the largest and highest-level political dirty tricks ever conducted in these United States.

The California Democratic Party, which paid for the mailer, continues to claim that information about recipients was taken from voter files. However, WorldNetDaily staff writer Julie Foster confirmed that the woman is not registered to vote and therefore does not have a voter file, raising serious questions as to the party's information source.

According to CNN reporter Mark Marino, Democratic Party officials denied even the existence of the mailer, which is reproduced here for the world to see.

Though the young woman in question does have a driver's license, Department of Motor Vehicles records are sealed for privacy purposes, meaning the Democrats could not have obtained their information from that agency. Nor could the party legally have obtained pertinent information, such as her address and birth date, from the 20-year-old's confidential student record at the community college she attends in the Los Angeles area. INS records are also sealed -- supposedly.

Tim Morgan, California's Republican National Committeeman and an election law attorney, was hard-pressed to think of a legal source the CDP could have used to obtain the Guatemalan woman's address and birth date.

"This is the stuff congressional investigations are made of," he said. "It's not clear to me at all how this could have happened. From the Dornan case, we know really how protected this information is. One is left to speculate."

Well, allow me to do some speculating. The Clinton administration has, for the better part of eight years, used government databases to target enemies with Internal Revenue Service audits, FBI investigations, threats, intimidation and blackmail. Is it such a stretch to believe members of that same ultra-politicized administration would have pulled a few strings to get INS records to the California Democrats. With a track record like that, I'd be shocked if they didn't.

But the bigger issue raised by this scam is the issue of electoral integrity. And the reality is there is no such thing in America, any more.

Think about these motor-voter laws that render poll watchers impotent. They are not legally permitted to demand identification as long as voters' names appear on the rolls. As WorldNetDaily has reported, even obviously fraudulent names cannot be challenged. Even when a prospective California voter shows up, and there is no matching name on the voting rolls, poll workers must permit the vote to take place. It can only be challenged after the fact -- after the votes are counted.

Folks, there are a lot of people patting themselves on the back today because of the election results. Not me. No matter what the results were on Election Day, I would still be madder than heck today because the sanctity of the American vote has been compromised. Sometimes process is as important or more important than results. And the voting process in America has become corrupt.

Most Americans may not give all this another thought for two more years or four more years. That would be unfortunate. Because if this kind of corruption goes unpunished, you can rest assured it will be worse the next time.

Are you going to be one of those people who sits back and forgets about what happened here now that the election is over?

Personally, I think Tim Morgan is right. This is the stuff of which congressional investigations are made. I know. I know. Congress has done nothing with mounting scandals for eight years. But maybe -- just maybe -- some members got a wakeup call this time.

It's worth a try. Got any better ideas?

Your new officials in Washington will be waiting to hear from you.