Dell Question (NOT involving Weigand!)


New member
At the risk of provoking the moderator's ire with yet another DELL thread, I'd like to ask: Has DELL posted PC30.06 signs at its locations in Texas?

For those in other states, PC30.06 is the part of the Texas penal code that allows businesses to prohibit Concealed Handgun License holders from carrying their handgun on business property. It requires very specific wording in both English and Spanish with block lettering at least 1 inch high.

A sign which complies with PC30.06 will be about 2 feet by 3 feet in size, and posting is usually regarded as a sign of being "anti-gun."

So - has Dell posted?


New member
Just bringing this back to the top.

Not as timely as it was when I started this thread, thanks to the TFL hack, but I'd like a definite answer, if anyone has one. (Any DELL employees or spokespeople visiting TFL?)


New member
I have no useful information to contribute to this discussion, but I wanted to point out the irony of an anti-gun statute having the number "30.06".
