Delfatti ISP-3 for P7M8, oh yeaaaah (long)


New member
In December I ordered an ISP-3 inside the waistband holster from Matt Delfatti I had looked for two months for a holster for my brand new (to me at least) P7 and I had not been able to find one that I liked. I had looked at Blade-Tech, Springbok and Ky-tac as well as Galco, Bianchi and even Uncle Mike's. I then haunted every site that I knew of that had the most remote reference to holsters for this hard to fit firearm. I narrowed my selection down to Milt Sparks, Alessi and Delfatti and finally I settled on Matt.

I called Matt on the phone and discussed my choice with him. Matt is an extremely and personable kind of guy who was very helpful, especially when it came time to the attachment type. This holster normally comes with a threaded slot and I wanted a way of rapidly attaching and detaching the ISP-3 from my belt. I wanted to try a set of Blade-Tech J hooks and Matt was willing to work with me. Matt was extremely upfront with me about how long it would take. I ordered in December and he told me that I would probably get it in March.

I waited with bated breath and received my holster two weeks prior to the anticipated delivery date.

Man, I'm simply speechless, this holster is perfect. From the way it fits my gun so exquisitely to the firm retention, yet smooth and fast presentation it's just beyond words. From all the designs that I looked at, this one seemed to offer the best combination of comfort, speed of presentation and retention. I've worn it for the past four days without even noticing it's presence.The attention to detail that Matt puts in his work is tremendous. It probably has to do with the fact that he works for a LE agency and has been known to carry a P7 on occasion. It was nice to know that this design is a street proven one.

I just wish I had ordered the matching belt and mag-pouches at the time. Now I'm going to have to wait another 8 weeks.

I recommend Matt to anyone who wants the best. You may have to wait a few weeks, but the end result will be well worth it

[Edited by PJ11B3VF7 on 02-26-2001 at 09:54 PM]