

New member
I went to my favorite gun store todayy to take one off of layaway. Filled out the 4473, yada, yada and the counter-guy put the information into a computer. He looks at me kinda strange and asks, "Have you ever been delayed?"

"No," says I. "Why?"

"Well, you've been delayed. Lemmee call them." He picks up the phone and it rings and rings and rings. He looks at me and says, "They're busy today."

I browse around the accessories for a few minutes and he tells me I've been approved on the computer. It popped up before he could finish the call. Evidently lots of folks are buying guns on the Friday a week before Christmas.


I doubt anyone made a serious attempt to predict capacity and size the system correctly.

This is government.

So when something comes along like Friday after Thanksgiving, or today... the system chokes on the increased volume.


New member
It's no big deal. I get delayed EVERY time. Sometimes it's long enough to go get dinner and come back. Sometimes it's long enough to pay off a layaway (The approval is good for 30 days they tell me.) A lot of times I just tell them to run the paperwork and I'll be back next week to pick it up.

Annoying, sure, but there are a lot of things in life that are annoying. This is a minor one to me.

dogtown tom

New member
C0untZer0 I doubt anyone made a serious attempt to predict capacity and size the system correctly.

This is government.

So when something comes along like Friday after Thanksgiving, or today... the system chokes on the increased volume.

You've never dealt with NICS.....because if you had, you would know just how efficient their customer service really is.
The FBI NICS Call Center should be the model for every computer company, software vendor and the USPS for a start.

They are hands down, the most polite, efficient customer service operation I've ever had the pleasure of dealing with.

-FBI NICS answers by the second ring with a live, easy to understand, polite human being 99.9% of the time. The other .1% may take an additional ring.
-In the last three years I've only had one day where NICS was down when i called (last winter when they lost power).

While they may be busy, they are NEVER understaffed.


New member
CCW in az eliminates the wait. That is my 2nd reason for getting it. The first was to prevent some overzealous Pinal County Deputy from contriving a concealed carry charge.


New member
Funny. I ALWAYS get delayed for further review. Last week I was approved on the first call, first time in probably 10 years. Go figure. Maybe the gal on the other end remembered me from all the other calls. :D


Friday 12-16-2011. What's your issue, you got the gun didn't you?

Tried to get a gun shipped to you without 2nd day ($$) or over night ($$$$).