Del. Reid just screwed Virginia gunowners...

this frigging idiotic moron. The antigunners in the Commonwealth are going to have a ()$*^%)(*&$()*&$#% field day.

With friends like this... :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

RICHMOND, Jan. 26 -- Del. John S. "Jack" Reid had gone through this morning routine dozens of times. He'd reach into his pocket, pull out his small semiautomatic .380 handgun, release the clip and store the weapon safely in the desk drawer of his office on the seventh floor of the Virginia General Assembly Building.



New member
To show that the new CCW system works, he should loose his permit. In most states a CCW holder would loose the right, or be suspended, due to improper use of a firearm.

It would at least put some credibilty to the fact that CCW'ers are required to be safe with their firearms and not allowed to be careless.



People screw up sometimes. He shouldn't have been messing with it at the office, IMHO. There is a certain inherent risking associated with loading and unloading an auto that is best avoided in public areas. I wonder if some trainer advised him to do this, or not?

There are certain guns (revolvers, slide safety autos) that would have prevented this, but he probably should have just left the gun in the holster on him or in a safe.

This might not be so bad - it generated some discussion, and got a former police officer to stand up for CCLs - as much good press as bad.


New member
Del. Reid screwed up. He admited he screwed up. He has said he needs to do some soul searching about if he should continue to CCW after screwing up.

He said "I was trying to press the magazine release button, and thought my finger was off the trigger but obviously it was not because the gun fired and the only way it could fire was if I pulled the trigger." (Roughly his statement on WBBT TV news last night.)

Give the guy credit. He admits he screwed up. He sounds like he is honestly considering if his negligent discharge warrants giving up CCW. I'm concerned that Del. Reid unloads on a daily basis - did he not learn about the possiblity of setback & its effects? And as for "safely storing" his pistol in his desk drawer - he must not read the General Assembly Building crime reports about all the purses, wallets, and other things that were locked in desk drawers that go missing every day. I'm thiking he does not have a gun vault installed, but could be wrong.

Personally, I prefer the comments from VCDL's president ( - look in the VCDL Alerts Archives for 1/26/05) that the incident is a good example of why the Virginia resteraunt ban (no ccw - but open carry is legal - in establishments that serve alcohol) needs to go. Any time you put your hand on a weapon there is a chance something could happen. The fewer times we ccw-ers have to touch the pistol the better the odds nothing untoward will happen.

stay safe.

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