Defensive Pistol classes in CA?


New member
Hi. Looking for a serious defensive handgun class in or near CA.

I'm strongly considering FrontSight because of their reputation.

Any other courses IN CA worth a look?

Opinions on Frontsight?

Any other advice?



New member
Hey Drjones,
I have been meaning to ask you. What kind of Dog took 6 9mm rounds from a MP5 and still stood there growling :eek:



New member
I dunno! I *think* it was a rott or German Shep. or something. I was reading through a bunch of threads here and on about defending oneself from dogs, and happened across that.

I liked the way it sounded, so I used it in my sig! :D

Ya think they'll train us how to shoot wild attacking dogs at Frontsight? ;)

Use to have a TFL staffer who operated out of Vallejo, CA. Can't remember the name or his website though. May want to check our links or maybe some plankholder can recall.


New member
I can recommend Front Sight without reservation. I have attended several classes. The course material and instruction is top notch. They pack a lot into the day and run a safe range. They have a high instructor to student ratio and can address a wide range of skills.

You can often pick up a pre-paid certificate for a 4-day basic course for a few hundred dollars for your first class. You will definately get your money's worth.


New member
doc - i think ernest langdon is coming out again later this year. his last class was a 2 day session in richmond. i'll let you know when i hear more about dates and times.

he can tune your trigger, if you're so inclined, during the same weekend...saves on shipping and being without your pistols


New member
Doc, highly recommend Mr. Murphy. Excellent instruction.

Wow, look at ITTS! How beautiful. Somehow it has a muddy clearing in the woods here beat all to heck.:D Lone, Glock-o-matic, interested?


New member
I have not attended these schools but I have heard the Halo group does good training and TFTT does good training. Both hold classes in Northern California. TFTT holds some classes in Sacramento.

Here it TFTT's link: