Defending against carjacking?


New member
How does one do this? I don't have much experience with carjackings (never been the giver nor the reciever) so I'm not clear on how they occur.

Don't the guys usually have guns? I thought they did. How do you outdraw a drawn gun? I thought you didn't...

Do a lot of carjackers use knives or just threaten? If so, obviously then a gun would come in handy.

Just curious because I've seen so many people talk of keeping a gun accessible while driving in case of attempted carjacking...


New member
all I can think of is this:

1.) if you happen to see the perp before they get up to your vehicle and have enough street experience to know what they're about to try, then I guess you could have your weapon ready to fire.

2.) most carjackers probably aren't expecting an armed victim so if you play along briefly as if you're not armed you may get a chance to draw and shoot when they let their guard down. I'm guessing they let you get out of your vehicle and they get in, and then you just pop 'em :)

I don't know if any of that is a good idea or not, just pondering.

I do believe though that once a perp's gun is pointed AT you to play "go along with them" looking for a good opportunity to draw & fire. But don't let the "go along with them" go on for very long at all, if a perp has you doing much more than getting out of their way then they are directing you into a worse spot than you're currently in.

It IS possible to draw and shoot some creep who already is pointing at you; chances are the creep won't have any training/experience and they may get a shot off first but totally miss. Some perps in this situation have even just freaked and fled at the sight of the victim pulling a gun.

I think it's hard to come up with a good response to a question/hypothetical that puts you already in such imminent danger.

Get yourself right with God, be prepared to die, be prepared to take a hit (sometimes being maimed is worth than death IMO), be prepared to kill a creep, and then to deal with the legal aftermath.


New member
1. Keep your windows rolled up and your doors locked at all times.
2. If carjacker pulls gun but is locked out, mash the accelerator to the floor. The car jacker will probably not try to shoot you but move on to an easier target. If he does try to shoot you at least he will have to hit a moving target that is continually getting farther away.
3. Wear your seatbelt at all times. If the car jacker manages to get into the car, he probably won't think to put his seatbelt on. At that point drive into a tree or telephone pole. There is a good chance he is going through the windshield.


New member
not been carjacked but...

... have run a few red lights or stop signs.

I have been preaching this SA bit with mom, since she has a tendency to drive through some rough areas to avoid traffic. Leave the distance between you and car ahead where you can at least see their wheels--enough room to rabbit. I don't use drive throughs at night that don't have a outside lane for the same reason...BG's knows your stuck , grab money, purse etc, whats the kid at the window going to do??

I have had to be in a bad part of town, condition yellow, orange kicks in, If someone approaches and my gut says go , I run , I'll take my chances with a ticket, chances are the officer will let me go, if not a ticket cheaper than the alternative.

I've done this before, by myself and with passengers and avoided situations. Once, at night 3 approached from both sides,two on driver side I saw first and I started to run, the one on the passenger side ( and that dude could run!!) BG jumped into bed of truck while I was running a stop light. Sudden stop, gas and turn and he was out and rolling on the ground, don't know , don' t care--He didn't appear to be collecting for a worthy cause though.

I wear my firearm accessable while driving, OC spray is handy, and I use a Caliber that if need be will do some good. I suggest practice shooting this sceniro - vehicles, in/out, weakhanded and BUG.

Some traveling salesman use a swich that will disable vehicle in a short time--not too sure about that--one of those insurance regs they have to comply with--of course the insruance co don't recommend firearms either...see why I doubt this??

Just my .02, Good question, I'm interested in what others have done, and recommend.


New member
BG jumped into bed of truck while I was running a stop light. Sudden stop, gas and turn and he was out and rolling on the ground,

:) :D :cool: :)

best post I've read all night, makes me all warm&happy inside. :D


New member
wanna feel more fuzzy?

Doing about 45 mph when I slammned the brakes, (he hit back of cab HARD!) Punched it back up to 50 whenI did a bat turn...boy that dude FLEW over the side and rolled big time. Didn't see a bounce(s) had to have been one--but busy watching the road, did see the roll. OUCH, bet it took more than a bandaid.


New member

I always thought it would be kind of neat to have bullet-resistant windows. Let the BG come up to you, threaten you with a pistol, then you laugh in his face as the window catches the bullet. Of course, then the window would be damaged, but it's would be pretty cool to see the look on the BG's face.

Jesse H

New member
My friend's Honda S2000 has a pretty fancy alarm.

If the car is running and a door is opened, you have about 30 seconds to punch in the correct code in a hidden keypad. If not, the car stalls and alarms blare.


New member
1) always be aware of your surroundings.

2) if they got the gun pointed at the window - give them the car,
it's what insurance is for.

3) if they are approaching from a distance, like the guys said above - floor it.
