Deer hunting with the 45-70


New member
Deer season opened up on Saturday down here and like every year, I had to work the weekend and Monday so made it out there today...

I really debated on going today too, since it was about 45 degrees this morning and we had been getting "Wilma Wind" for a day or so. I think it was gusting about 15 mph today.

This stuff may be fine for you Northern guys, but as a South Georgia hunter, it was a little too rough for me. Really wanted to go though so climbed up in the stand.

After a couple hours of it being totally dead, I climbed down and went back to my truck for a drink and to get out of the wind. Walked back to the stand and started sneezing. Probably sneezed 10 times and figured I ruined what was left of the morning then.

Almost immediately after the sneezing episode, a doe walked out into a clearing and since I'm a "meat" hunter, I tagged her with my newest deer rifle - this NEF 45-70.


I was amazed at how fast she dropped. No movement whatsoever.

As I was sitting there waiting for a few minutes, here comes Mr. Buck walking on up. I opened up that single shot, grabbed another round and waited. He had stopped behind a few trees and all I could see was his rack. After what seemed like an hour, he turned around and I got a broadside shot on him. He didn't drop on the spot but walked off about 10 yards and stopped.

So, two shots on two deers from this 45-70 and 10 yards "chasing" them. Can't beat that. The deer were both less than 50 yards away and the doe weighed in at 85 pounds and the Buck weighed 195 and was a 6 pointer. All I have are some polaroids of the Buck and no scanner but here's his rack:


This was my first buck ever, so I'm pretty happy. Ended the day giving most of the meat away to a poor migrant family that I'm friendly with.

Anyway, the point of the post is how well this round worked on what I was doing. After a couple years hunting with my SKS and 30-30 I bought this one and it definately did the job better than the other two rounds I had been using (shot placement equal on all counts). Are there some more 45-70 owners out here who like the round as much as I do?

FWIW, 300g Remington SJHP. Both deer were hit with heart shots and the bullet penetrated both sides.

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Coop de Ville

New member

I've been wanting a 45-70 for a while now. Can't make a decision between the NEF and Marlin Lever....:(

I have a 336 in 30-30 but there's just something about the '70.

What's your overall impression? How's the weight and recoil? I would most likely use irons on it, what are your thoughts?

Best -Coop


New member
The Marlin lever "guide gun" -- 45/70 is a hog killing machine. Great for dense brush where those suckers like to hang out alot of the time. Good for under 100yrd kills. Kicks like a mule though from the short 16" barrel.


New member
Did you even have to field dress it w/ that big of a caliber? or just cut a hole and drain it...J/k Congrats on the buck I'm hoping to get my first buck this year w/ my new 338 in a nother week and a half.


New member

Well for me, price was a major point in choosing the NEF. If that's not a concern, go with the Marlin. I think I have about 240 bucks total in the NEF package as you see it in the pic with a Bushnell 4x20.

I also own two 336 30-30s and love a lever action, but again, I couldn't find one cheap enough.

The NEF is certainly the easiest and lightest hunting gun I own. The recoil is manageable for range time and I can get 2 inch groups or so out of it. When getting those two yesterday I didn't feel the recoil or hear the shot so that was no problem. The buck I got could have been spooked by the time I kicked out the first shell, reached into a pocket and loaded again, but luckily nobody's hunted much on this land in the last few years so he wasn't very aware on what was going on.

Anyway, I'm very pleased with the NEF and the quality I got for the price I paid.


New member
My Dad has one of the Marlin Guide Guns that I've done some shooting with and its a great gun. The recoil will get your attention, certainly more than the 30-30 or .44 magnum lever actions I've spent time with in the past, but its manageable.

Even though I don't need one, I have to admit to being interested in getting one of the NEF handi-rifles, it seems like they'd be fun to shoot. They also make a buffalo model, that's basically a long-barreled .45-70, that looks wonderful but is about twice the price of a handi-rifle.


New member
HEHE my .45-70 is over 4 feet long and ways about 15 pound it feels like.

1873 US army springfeild trap-door lock breech loader.

hehe with the bayonet on it its about 6 feet. hehe.


New member
I have a stainless guide gun, and it is my favorite rifle right now. I put Ashley ghost ring sights on it, and a Ashley scout mount with a Leupold scout scope. I get groups less than 1 inch with Winchester 300 grain hollow points. It has dropped everything I have shot in it's tracks. The Marlin can handle the Garret and Buffalo Bore loads, and I plan on trying some someday. I had a Simmons pistol scope on it, but the PMC +P+ 350 grainers recoil busted it. The 45-70 is a great round that has been around longer than any of us, and I do not see it going anywhere anytime soon.


New member
I was talking to a guy at the range just a few days ago that uses the 45-70 on whitetails.. and I asked him if it destroys alot of meat, and he said it destroys less meat than a 270 does.. he said it doesnt leave a very big exit wound.

kinda odd. .

and a big thumbs up for donating the meat.

Dave Haven

New member
..and I asked him if it destroys alot of meat, and he said it destroys less meat than a 270 does.. he said it doesnt leave a very big exit wound.

kinda odd. .
Not really.
The slow, heavy-jacketed .45 caliber bullet won't expand as much (or as explosively) in a deer as the faster, thinner-jacketed .270 bullet.


New member
I use 300 factory loads and now have gone to the winchester partition. The other 300s have given me interesting results .Twice I hit deer through the lungs and the entrance hole was 2" dia and the exit 1" dia .Clean holes like a cookie cutter !!! A great cartridge.!!!!


I'm waiting on a Guide gun right now. I can't wait. I like hearing that they wont damage as much meat as the 30 cals. I'm not taking it this year but may next year.

Congrats on the deer! I have my buddies doe hanging in the garage right now. Aging a little and waiting for the head to be tested for CWD.

Time to dust off the dehydrator!