Deer hunting with a .45ACP......Which ammo?


New member
Let me start off by saying I'm not asking for an ethical debate on the use of a .45ACP as a deer cartridge. Also, yes this is legal in NC. What I am asking is IF you were going to handgun hunt with a .45ACP, which commercially available ammo would you select? (I don't reload)

Right now I'm looking at the 200-230gr. +P loads from companies like Hornady and Doubletap. Are there others I need to evaluate? Should I be looking at some of the 185 +P's? Standard pressures (non +P)?

My shots will be 30 yds or less. (Bow range basically). Yes I can keep a full magazine inside the killzone at that range. My weapon will be my Ruger P90.

Think of this thread like a shopping list. With summer coming on I'll be putting in some range time with my hunting weapons (bow, shotgun, muzzleloader, rifle, handgun.) I'm putting together a list of ammo that I need to aquire to evaluate in the .45ACP. I've got my pet loads already in all the others, this one is new to me in this role. My carry ammo is Hornady TAP, so that's one I'll be testing. Looking for other suggestions.



New member
Get GS bonded 230

Remongton Golden Saber Bonded 230 JHP
Or Speer Gold Dot 230 JHP
either of these in +P format should kill a deer nicely if the shot is good. The bonded core is important for weight retention and therefore penteration.
Good luck!

john in jax

New member
A cast bullet or JSP would make a better hunting round than a hollow point, but good luck finding that in a .45acp these days. I think you are going to be stuck settling for a 230grn +P JHP. As mentioned above penetration is more important than expansion so get a bonded and/or solid base bullet.


New member
Hadn't thought of the Golden Sabers. Thanks!

What do you guys think about the Hornady Custom XTP +P Loads. I know their 200 grain load recoils like a beast in my P90. Is the XTP bullet construction solid enough to do the job on NC whitetails out of a .45ACP?

I've used XTP's and XTP MAGs in my .454, but those were at 1600-2000fps too!


New member
I'm not sure what kind of ammo you should use. The JHP will expand, but I'm not sure that expansion should be your primary goal for deer and the .45 ACP; perhaps you want a bullet that will hold together really well and penetrate if you happen to strike bone (rib, shoulder, etc).

Isn't there a company called buffalo something that makes handgun hunting bullets? They may offer a hard-cast or soft-point round that would be good for deer hunting. I'm not knocking the JHP, but you might want something that'll hold together a bit better.


New member
Have used both...

Hornady 230gr XTP's & Black Talon 230 grs. Was not primary firearm, but back-up to muzzleloader, thru a M1991A1.
Used the base of front sight as aiming point and was able to group nicely on th 50 yds target at 100yds.

nutty ned

New member
I thought about this subject over night, as you got plenty of advice on the subject, already. I read somewhere that a .45acp ball rnd was not a good hunting rnd unless you hit bone in a vital area, that because of the low velocity and shape of the ball rnd and the elasticity of flesh; the wound channel would/could open up and close up without much incapacity of a game animal, even as small as jack rabbits. Therefor, I would use the best/ heaviest hollow pt that your handgun of choice will function with and go for it, as one 00 buck pellet through the lungs will kill a deer. Good hunting and tracking [if nec].


New member
the wound channel would/could open up and close up without much incapacity of a game animal, even as small as jack rabbits.
I don't know about that one. I've shot jacks with my 45. They just flop right over.

I shot a deer with my 45 using 230 gr JFP. Shot it at about 10 yds. Made a big enough hole, plenty of blood, the buck ran about 25 yds, looked around, then just laid down and died. Not spectacular, but very convincing. I would recommend not using a 45ACP for deer, unless you are VERY close to it when you touch it off and put your shot in the chest.