Deer Hunting Dont's and Do's


New member
Title says it all,,,, Feel free to add your best Do's and Dont's.

Do pay attention to where the idiot who ate all that Stag chili is going to set first morning.
Don't go anywhere downwind of that sucker!!!;):p:D


Staff In Memoriam
Do not wear scent block attire with a loose fit shirt neck after eating the aforementioned stag chili...
It is hard to get a good sight picture with runny eyes and the deer will surely hear you sniffle after your snot locker is abruptly opened up!:eek:



New member
Happiness is a warm Gut-Pile !!

Make sure you have the landowner's permission and familiar with his boundries. .... :)

Don't assume you have a right to use another hunter's stand while he is not there. .... :mad:

Other than a gut-pile, take all else back home with you .... ;)

Be Safe !!!

Lee McNelly

does and donts

dont underestamate the deers scense of smell

do use a scent blocker form head to toe

do know your range and it limits and watch the wind


New member
Do be quiet and still, if you must move do it slowly.

Don't get discouraged.

Don't downplay another man's take, what may be a pass for you may be a trophy for him.

Do be sure of your target and shot placement, any doubt, let the animal walk for its own sake.


New member
Don't shoot a deer with an underpowered bow. I don't have anything against bow hunting, but you have to do it right.

Warning - Graphic pic:


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New member
Do not take a "whiz" from your position in the tree stand. Walk a long way off upwind & if you do have to hump-up, be sure to have your rifle with you, in case you hear a buck snort. Cover up your load and wipe with some dirt & leaves.

Take a baggie of unscented baby butt wipes in your pocket. Great to wipe rear & hands with.

Do not litter or trash public woods or another persons land.
Do not drink adult beverages around the evening campfire until the firearms are unloaded.
Do not pee on the campfire to extinguish the flame--it really stinks.

Please assist with camp chores as needed---your mama ain't usually their with the boys !!!!



New member



Get permission to trail a shot deer if your deer makes it to property you don't have permission to be on.


New member
Don't look at the deer tracks on the way in, look for deer.
Walked up within yards of a monster buck while looking down at the fresh buck tracks.
Don't use a rifle sling, can't shoot a deer with your rifle on your shoulder.


New member
Do the following:

use eyes and ears to maximum.

Keep elevated use a hillside (sit below crest / ridgeline)

Stay out during the day (don't go back to car for lunch)

BE SURE of youe shot.


New member
Don't bother wearing scentlok clothes. It doesn't work any better then hunting clothes available 45 years ago. You just have to watch the wind.

Prepare for when the baby drops (taking a dump). Large plastic zip up bags work well.

Don't sleep in your blind (like my brother). :D

Pee in a glass jar with a lid and dump it later.

Put out a drop of vanilla for cover scent.

Sit all day on your stand. If possible your group should all walk in together and walk out together. No one wanders around. Deer will not be spooky.

Blind should have the smallest shooting windows you can use so the deer can't see your movement or your bright, glowing blaze orange hunting clothes.

Carpet your blind so you can move around in it quietly.

Pray for snow. It makes seeing those deer so much easier. Don't pray for too much snow. Walking in snowshoes is not easy.


New member
WAIT after shooting. Rush it and you will only push them further.

I wait an hour after my shot during bow season. 9 times out of ten, they bleed out 20 yards from where I hit them.

Hog Buster

New member
If things don’t work out, revert to “Plan B”..... Go home and wash your truck, or cut the grass.


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New member

Don't be an unsafe hunter.

Don't use the scope on your firearm to identify an object or see who is coming towards you. Get some good binos or use your range finder.

Don't shoot until you identify the target and what is beyond the target, near the target and between you and the target.

Don't put your finger on the trigger until you are on target ready to shoot.

Don't trust a safety or de-cocker.

Don't jerk the trigger.

Don't rush the shot.

Don't immediately move your head to see if you hit. Do follow through and get a second sight picture. Do make that first shot count.

Don't shoot with someone else ahead of you - even if they are to the side. They may walk into your line of fire or you might swing their direction.

Don't take a bad shot.

Don't shoot in the direction of buildings, roads, people or vehicles.

Don't hunt with an unfamiliar firearm or bow.

Don't carry out a deer or the rack (elk, moose, caribou, etc.) unless you have blaze orange on the body and rack. You don't want to be shot by an unsafe hunter.

Don't alter the agreed upon plan unless everyone else if the party is notified, totally understands and agrees to the new plan.

Don't hunt with an unsafe hunter - even if they are a relative or good friend - or a person who is not willing to take responsibility for their actions (indicates a lack of maturity and should not be trusted). I will never hunt with my BIL again until he changes his ways and ditches his 'I am the expert on everything' attitude and reckless/unsafe actions. One thing you can count on is for him to not stick to the agreed upon plan and move to a different spot or walk towards you in or next to tall, heavy cover without prior notification. Anything he does that puts himself or others in an unsafe situation is the fault of others and never him - he is the expert. A few hours of hunting with him was enough. He has not been invited back. He hunts somewhere else and has claimed to have shot multiple deer but has yet to recover one.


Do be a safe hunter.

Do follow all laws and regulations.

Do be an ethical hunter. If you question the shot, don't take it.

Do take care of the meat.

If you hunt on private land for no fee, give them first choice on the meat; and don't charge them for processing if you took it to a processor.


New member
Make sure that ALL of your ammo chambers properly - factory as well as handloads.

Still hunt with the wind in your face. Duh.

Don't forget some really nice animals have been shot between 10:00am and 2:00pm. Stay in the woods.

If you're gonna sit - sit! Don't get ansy and get up and wander around thinking there is nothing there. They are there, you just ain't seen 'em yet.

Bring some rags to clean up with after gutting your deer. Bring some flagging to mark the spot if you have to leave to get the ATV or truck. Take the flagging with you when you leave.

You do have a working flashlight with you, don't you?

Sharpen that damn knife!


New member
Yeah ammo, take some. Take the right kind. I had a little trouble chambering a load, was trying to stuff a 243 in my 270 thought i had taken the other rifle. They look the same.
I have left the ammo at home before. Now durring hunting season i carry ammo for all my hunting rifles in the truck.
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New member
Take a flashlight with you when hunting in the afternoon. And remember when it comes to flashlights (anything with batteries) one is none and two is one. ;) Always, Always KNOW your target before you pull the trigger. :eek:

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
Don't forget the Charmin: It's good to mark where poor old Bambi's laying, when you come back to load him in the truck.

Work upwind or crosswind. Bambi tends to lay up just below the crest of a ridge on the downwind side, not far from a brushy saddle. Odds are that when he decides to practice being elsewhere, he'll work through the saddle, upwind.

When you're easing along through brush, look behind you. Bucky will freeze behind a bush, let you go by, and then move.