Deer decoy for next season?


New member
Has anyone tried any of the ones out there?
Did you have any luck?
Which decoy?
If so how did you set it up in relation to your stand?

I have a spot in mind. The stand is in the woods 20 yards from the edge of a field. There is a trail that goes out to the field about 5 yards to my left. There is another trail that goes out to the field about 20 yard (other side of thick cover) to me right. I have a good view of the field. There are some trees where the left trial goes out and then one out in front of me on the edge of the field.

Deer seem to enter the field in several spots. Just depends on where they ended up either the night before or where they headed after feeding in the morning. The spot is typically better in the evening. From years of hunting the property we have found that this stand location has the best chance of a deer being within bow range

Thanks for any advice.


New member
Yep, I have a Flambeau with the horn kit so it can be set up as either an eight point buck or a doe. I've used it and had it work like crap as well as with great success. This what I've found. The thing worked best as a buck. I also believe that the decoy excels in a set up that allows the deer greater visability. I used the thing the first year I owned it about four times. Every hunt in that first year was hunting stands in the interior of wood plots. The deer either didn't see it for the lack of movement or on one hunt I had a spike see it and run off in fear.

I then had an opportunity to use it in an over grown farm fence rows and a bean field set up. That was the ticket. I had the buck set up in the field about 25 yards directly upwind of my fence row stand. I watched as the decoy pulled in a big 7 point from about 125 yards away. What's more is that by the time the deer got to me he was so ready to run that decoy off that I could have stood up and waived my arms at him. He was fixated on that decoy. I arrowed him from the ground at 15 yards and got him right in the pump station. Honestly, if someone would have been running video, it would have made a TV show.

In general, I think they are a legitimate way to hunt but, it's situational hunting. Good luck.


New member
284 thanks for the info. My plan is to put it on the edge of the field. The wood line runs across the bottom and that is where my stand is. On the top side of the field is a hedge row about 300 yards up. On the other side of the hedge row are a few houses. The deer seem to work across the bottom of the field depending on where they come out of. Part of the top of the field is high grass that they will bed down in also.